Torture (5-5-03)

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The emptiness expands
As it tears me apart.
I yearn to fulfill its needs,
But it is impossible right now.
Because I am trapped in here
Because of my own choosing.

I cannot stay the same.
It will drive me insane.
Drowning me in the pain.

I can't take the torture
Because it lasts forever.
It taunts me with a growl
As I grip myself in agony.
It leaves me to do nothing
But fall down before it.

I cannot stay the same.
It will drive me insane.
Drowning me in pain.

My life depends on the time.
But it is also against me.
Watching the clock go backwards,
I hope my end is near.
But this, I will not fear.
Because I don't want to stay here.

Copyright ©2003 Danny Caballero

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