Separation (1-19-03)

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There you are
Drawing the line.
There you are
Telling everyone we are fine.

It seems as so we've done this before.
Always it's me getting kicked out the door.
You said you just wanted to talk
But they only appear to be worsening,
Every time we end up arguing and cursing.

Here we are
Yelling and fighting.
Here we are
Going against our love song.
We know it shouldn't be like this.
So why cant you admit you're wrong?

It's the little things that bother us,
Pushing our limits past the precipice.
Now you say that this is the end.
You look at me but I don't know what to say
All I know is that I don't want to go away.

Here we are
Yelling and fighting.
Here we are
Going against our love song.
We know it shouldn't be like this.
So why cant you admit you're wrong?

I can see now we should be apart.
I can't take being torn at the heart.
Separation never was clear to me.
So now I can finally move along,
And I know my decision isn't wrong.

Copyright ©2003 Danny Caballero

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