My Plans (4-19-03)

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I try and try again,
But it never works for me.
I do it to avoid the pain,
But it never works for me.

It always ends the same.
My plans, my hopes,
Smashed into oblivion.

I wish hard to run away
But I found myself surrounded.
I want to look forward to a day
But I find them clouded.

It always ends the same.
My ideas, my dreams,
Shot out of the sky.

I see an open chance,
But it is slammed shut.
I use everything to get through,
But it is slammed shut.

It always ends the same.
My plans, my hopes,
Crushed into pieces.

I look for the warmth that is true,
But I am left out in the cold.
I reach out for the new,
But I am stuck in the old.

And it always ends the same.
My ideas, my dreams,
Lost, never to be heard.

Copyright ©2003 Danny Caballero

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