Driving Away (3-24-04)

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Driving away from the fire.
Fate keeps my hands on the wheel
While they tremble in fear.

If I could, my weakness
Would drop me to my knees,
In the verge of tears.

Drying off what skews my view,
I'm caught behind a blink
While time pauses for me.

When I start to wake up again,
I hear screams in the distance,
But I cannot see anything yet.

My head is covered in pain,
My chest yearns for help,
And my body aches for them.

As much as it hurts to stand,
I look around and see no one,
Except for another fire.

In the midnight darkness,
The fire is all I can see,
And the skid marks behind it.

Where do I go now?
My false path never led me to
That so called "perfect world" I wanted.

I wiped my brow clean
And tried to find a way out,
But all I could do was think.

I closed my eyes to retrace
Everything that I have done,
Which I could not defend.

When I opened my eyes,
The fire finally died out,
And a single streetlight flickered on.

Copyright ©2004 Danny Caballero

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