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I just added Jack's cam over in the camportal. And yep, Tahj's cam is in there too! :D

Ryan's site seems to be down. Damnit! Hope it's back up tomorrow.


» Mindy 's nightmare @ 10:45:37 PM | Comment |

Today was alright. It started out with Lee, Lisa, and I leaving I.C.E. and hanging in the commons like we do all the time. We just waste the hour away. And for lunch, Lisa and Lee decided to join Markelle and I so we all went to Wendy's. I am sorry, I really can't stand that place. But oh well.

We also had a lovely time in the tech lab when we got back. Richard was there and had the great priviledge to see Lee and I act like fools. Well, Lee mostly. ;) JK. And on Wednesday we will see Dustin perhaps and Friday Paul is going to pay us a visit. :D

After school we came home and watched a movie and before we were done, Lee, Markie, and I had fun on my webcam. For those of you fortunate to see it, well, yeah. I dunno if that will ever happen again. Maybe if Lee spends the night sometime. Ha!

I've just realized how incredibly touchy feely I am. I used to not act like it but the truth is, I am. I really like hugs. Damnit, hug me.

I ordered my silver boots today. Yes! They won't be in for a while but hey, I can wait for these. They're worth it.

I get my test back tomorrow in American Lit. ::sigh:: Oh well, I can handle it. Ha, Lisa hasn't even taken it yet. Weiner.

Speaking of weiner.... playin'!

» Mindy 's nightmare @ 10:17:21 PM | Comment |


Tremors 3!!!!

Damn, they're making Tremors 3: Back to Perfection. Yes!! I am a big Tremors fan! Although, I kinda thought #2 sucked, the first one rocked! I know the script word for word.

So in #3, they're bringing back "Burt" but "Earl" won't be back. :( But the movie takes place back in Perfection Valley where the first one happened and "Mindy" is back! WOO! I got all happy as a kid, this chick in the movie had my name!

» Mindy 's nightmare @ 11:02:54 PM | Comment |

So yeah. Hi. I missed you. Mhmm mhmm mhmm.

1. Kiss on the hand - I adore you.
2. Kiss on the cheek - I just want to be friends.
3. Kiss on the neck - I want you.
4. Kiss on the lips - I love you.
5. Kiss on the ears - I am just playing.
6. Kiss anywhere else - Lets not get carried away.
7. Look in your eyes - Kiss me.
8. Playing with your hair - I can't live without you.
9. Hand on your waist - I love you to much to let you go.

» Mindy 's nightmare @ 10:13:59 PM | Comment |

Well what a shitty Sunday. I found out today that my grandma has a fucking brain tumor. What's worse is that they don't want to tell her to freak her out. Maybe that is a good thing, maybe it's bad. All I know is that that fucking sucks dick and I am not exactly sure what will happen now.

I just had a really big urge to.... REDESIGN! Sorry! I know a lot of you are probably pissed because I redesign allll the time. I am not saying it is definite. I just get sick! And believe it or not, I want something simple. I've always liked simple. Simple is better to me. I'm sick of designing to impress.

Tomorrow is a black day so there is one thing I can be glad about. I might take a camera to school just to goof around....that is, if the batteries last that long. And you can see for yourself why black days rule. And I think tomorrow we need to get Markelle to whip out her condom collection and tie one to my car antenna, ya know, just like the old days. Damn what us gheTTo kids will do!

I learned how to drive in my mom's Yukon Denali. That thing is a BEAST! But I still can't turn the bitch! Markelle and I go to KFC and I'm trying to turn it into the drive through and I'm driving up all over the curb and we're bounching everywhere. It's happened lots of times. Expecially when I went to the bank once with Mish and Marko. The whole right side of the truck went about five feet in the air when I hit that curb. I don't hit anything in my car. Well, expect that time I hit the cement block. Oh yeah, and the time I busted my grandma's flower barrels. But other than that, it's all good! :D

I've got a week left. Just a week. And then I will be like Marko-Chan. Metal FREE! ::dances like a foo:: It's about damn time. Ya know, the braces actually weren't that bad. It was the expander that sucked nut. That thing HURT like no other. And it made my gap all bigger. If you get an expander, you can handle anything, let me tell you! So everyone put down "MINDY DAY" on the 15th of your calendar.... just because I said so.

Speaking of a Mindy day, Andy says that Mondays are Mindays now. Hmm, now I need to think of a good reason why.

» Mindy 's nightmare @ 7:43:51 PM | Comment |

Oooh, so Blogger just now decides it wants to work. Figures. Anyway, I think it is time I take my own advice and get Greymatter. Yes.
» Mindy 's nightmare @ 2:03:07 PM | Comment |

Test. :|
» Mindy 's nightmare @ 1:54:44 PM | Comment |

Goddamnit, I am going to kick Blogger's big super server ass.
» Mindy 's nightmare @ 4:04:45 AM | Comment |

HOT DAMN! Now that is some good taste! I really should take a picture of my Lost Boys bumper sticker on my car and post it. All you 80's freaks would be oh-so-happy!
» Mindy 's nightmare @ 1:34:30 AM | Comment |


Registering a new domain tonight! It will be up soon, I am already working on it. Rock.
» Mindy 's nightmare @ 9:30:26 PM | Comment |


Paramount Pictures presents.... in association with SNL Studios.... A Lorne Michaels and Amy Heckerling Production.... "Night at the Roxbury!"
» Mindy 's nightmare @ 10:18:59 PM | Comment |

I am not exactly in a good mood today. So you can all suck my non-existent dick.

I am coming home after school, making Markelle show me which dentist office I need to go to on the 15th after I get my braces off because I have no clue, and then I am coming home and doing whatever I want to. It's Friday. Fuck you.

Test today in American Lit. over To Kill a Mockingbird. Oh yeah, it's gonna be a great day.

» Mindy 's nightmare @ 10:51:46 AM | Comment |


I might be on the cam tonight, stick around.

I am needing to write some poetry. Bad. I don't know why, I just need to. Watch out for that too.

And now Markelle is yelling at me to join her for dinner. Ack.

» Mindy 's nightmare @ 5:18:28 PM | Comment |


It's almost 6am and I haven't been to sleep all night. Ooh school today is going to be fun. :P
» Mindy 's nightmare @ 5:48:40 AM | Comment |


And I just now realize how much it is going to suck going back to school. My sleeping schedule is jacked all to hell, the snow here is pure ice now so kids will be driving like freaks, and I already have a test coming up. Bite.

It seems that everyone I know online has some sort of lovelife crisis going on. Damn people, I'm telling you, suck. I'll try and tell you I know how it feels and I'll try and assure you that it will all be ok later but I'd be lieing and you know it. I'm not too familiar with all that cupid shit so bare with me, ok?

Alright, I'm not tired and I've got nothing else to do. Time to go get some food and watch HBO and then wake up tomorrow on the floor. Later.

» Mindy 's nightmare @ 11:36:39 PM | Comment |

Are you a girl?
Do you have a cam?
Do you hate the average "camwhore?"
I need to you email me asap.

» Mindy 's nightmare @ 12:26:31 AM | Comment |


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