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*Rhoads Family Wagon Train*

Ox yoke used by Daniel Rhoads on the 1846 trip to California. At Burris Museum, Kings Co. Ca. Members of the Rhoads Family Wagon Train are as follows:

Thomas Rhoads Sr. Leader of the Group born:1795

Elizabeth Forester Rhoads Wife of Thomas 1797

Isaac Rhoads son 1822

Thomas Rhoads Jr. son 1826

Elizabeth Rhoads daughter 1828

William Baldwin Rhoads son 1830

Sarah Pierce Rhoads daughter 1830

Catherine Rhoads daughter 1832

Foster Rhoads son 1832

George W. Rhoads son 1833

Henry C. Rhoads son 1834

Caleb Baldwin Rhoads son 1836

Lucinda Rhoads daughter 1838

Mary Rhoads grandchildren 1840-45

Elvira Rhoads grandchildren 1840-45

Daniel Rhoads grandchildren 1840-45

John P. Rhoads oldest son of Thomas 1818

Matilda Fanning Rhoads wife of John 1819

Thomas F. Rhoads son 1832

Mary Ellen Rhoads daughter 1841

George Rhoads son 1843

Mathew Rhoads son 1845

Daniel Rhoads Second son of Thomas 1821

Amanda Esrey Rhoads wife of Daniel 1825

James Esrey brother of Amanda 1826

Justin Esrey brother of Amanda 1827

Thomas Esrey brother of Amanda 1829

Jonathan Esrey brother of Amanda 1831

Polly Rhoads Elder Oldest daughter of Thomas 1817

Turner Elder Sr. Polly’s husband

Turner Elder Jr. son 1833

Joseph A. House Elizabeth Rhoads Nephew 1825

Ezekiel House Elizabeth Rhoads Nephew 1833

Jonathan Patterson husband 1807

Christina Forester Patterson wife 1811

Sussanna Patterson daughter 1830

William Patterson son 1832

Jonathan Patterson son 1835

David Patterson son 1836

George W. Patterson son 1837

Penelope Patterson daughter 1840

Caroline Patterson daughter 1842

John Patterson son 1844

Catherine Patterson daughter 1845

Matthew Fanning Matilda Rhoads brother

Robert Fanning Matilda Rhoads brother

Information on wagon train members taken from The Merritt’s Tradition by Robert and James Merritt

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