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Art Around the World: Artists on the Net

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Art Around the World
Artists on the Net Webring
presented by Cyberella Stone

Web Rings logos & HTML Fragments

This is our logo.
Welcome to all Artists in the World.
Painting, Drawing, Watercolor, Digital Art,
Sculpture, Pottery, Ceramics,
Illustration, Collage, Video,
Fabric Design and Jewelry Making.

Art is everywhere we look,
silently calling us to thought and pleasure.
Most artists are global...

From "Art" by Guy Griscom

"...Revolutionaries of the quiet kind. Artists are
innovators ahead and beyond their time.
Artists...those who are
Needing to create, having to create...
Not thinking of the viewer but being
viewed more than all who came before.
Artists are happy to share but find they are
sharing more than they planned.
Across the pathways of nations and states,
further than language greater than nationality,
artists are a global few who are
transforming and transformed…"

If you are one of the 'global few,'
who transforms us,
join now...

Go on and copy logo while you are here.
When we get the submission form, we will
look at it, and send you the html fragment
you need to put on your page.
Hope you are accepted!!

When you have logo and proper html fragment
on your page, you will be added to ring.
Any questions or complaints, email me.
Bon Voyage!

To ask questions,make chitchat,
email me at


AJ Thurber's Paintings

Fifi Forever's Paintings

Kidswork Gallery in Florida

Purpletoenails Digital Art Studio

Maggie Blue's Paintings

Find Me An Artist. Com

Stephen Pain's Digital Art

Artwork of Clark T. Davis

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