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Welcome to Ashley's Page!!!

Hey Everyone!

My name is Ashley and I am a freshman at Sumter High School. I am 15 years old and my birthday is December 20 (which means I'm a sag:)-) I am very involved in Student Government. I was just elected Sophmore Vice-President and I am currently Freshman Vice-President and in doing so, I am a memeber of the Executive council. I am also in Marching Band. However , I do not play an instrument, I am in the colorguard.(GO GUARD!WOO HOO!) Some of my hobbies are writing songs, listening to music, reading, chatting online, hanging out with my friends and just being me!

In the future, I would like to attend college at QUT (Queensland University of Technology) Academy of the Arts in Queensland, Australia. I would like to major in Visual Communications and minor in drama. If I am not accepted there, then I would like to attend Ohio Universtiy and major in Visual Communications as well. I would also like to get my Ph.D in visual communcations and advertising after I complete my Bachelor's in Visual Communications.

To be able to accomplish this, I would like to complete high school with the IB diploma or at least with the certificate.

Well, all you peep's, go enjoy my site and stop reading this useless babble!

Sumter High School
2580 McCray's Mill Road
Sumter, SC 29154-6098
Phone: (803) 481-4480

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