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Ronin Warriors Fanfiction

Torch of spirit sought through five,
Drinking strength from immortal fire,
Darkest prison sheds the light,
Swirling beneath a sea of salt,
Buried within a throne of rock,
Floating amongst the eyes of ages,
Unmored in the stream of the sky.

Mia's Poem and clue to finding the armors.



DreamcatcherLegend of the Kokoro

          The guys must find five special people as they battle a new evil.

Chapters : 01  02  03  04  05  06  07  08  09  10  11

Rated : G  --   Action/Adventure/Romance   ---   Last Updated : 11/07/02


Dera GallileanThe River Rat

          Rowen meets Billie who has a secret. When an enemy appears, will Rowen find

          Billie in time?

The River Rat

Rated : PG  --   Action/Adventure/ Romance   ---   Last Updated : Finished?


Lady HalcyonProtection of Past Defense

          Six youths are send to the past to protect the ones that came before them...

Chapters : Characters   Prologue   01

Rated : G  --   Action/Adventure/ Romance   ---   Last Updated : 11/21/01


LirinStarLirin Star

          Talpa is back and a girl with a new armor must join the Ronins against him.

Chapters : Prologue     01  02  03  04  05  06  07  08  09  10  11  12  13  14  15  16

Rated : G  --   Action/Adventure/ Romance   ---   Last Updated : On Hold


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