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Theories are about all that UFOlogists have in most cases. So, we decided to create a section for your theories about UFO's and the Gov't. But, we'll start of with one of our own investigators theories built around one highly unusual case.

Throughout the years, there has always been the rumors of military abductions and testing. Well, after much research, we have some theories as to why.

There are three seperate companies (IBM, Texas Instruments, and Autotran) that are racing to complete the production of nanoprobes. Texas Instruments has already developed the nanochip. This nanoprobe would be be about the size of the head of a pen. These individual companies also have government contracts for unknown reasons. Well, the obvious uses of a nanochip are for either implants or from really small computers. In fact, their only practical use is as an implant or tracking device that is too small to be detected by normal means.

Now, what is the purpose of a nanoprobe. The purposes of a nanoprobe would be to complete minute changes in hardwear that would be too small for human hands or tools to correct. One such example of this is human cells or even DNA.

This is what stems our research and theory. This is what we've found. The US government is well-rumored to be experimenting to find the purpose of the junk DNA that is widely known to exist in the human genome. The DNA has popularly been called Alien DNA. Well, the government is believed to be trying to activate this alien DNA. Actually, they have been testing on humans for over 50 years now.

First Wave

The first wave was begun almost immediately after the Roswell Crash of 1947. Random American citizens were selected from small towns all over the country. They were abducted and tested. The government attempted to activate this alien DNA and return the people to their homes. The problem that the goverment faced was that the introduction of new DNA into a living human body can cause major health problems and the deterioration of the human body. The procedure was incorrect, and the new DNA coding caused deformation in the test subjects.

Second Wave

This wave also was conducted on random citizens from small towns. This time they attempted to activate only part of this alien DNA. Their procedure was flawed, and essentially the same problems existed.

Third Wave

The third wave was changed and improved. This time they abducted random children. This could also lead to explanations for such events as the Montauk Project. This time, the government also started from scratch. Some special cases were begun. Random and specific men would be abducted. The government would make changes in the sperm of a man, and the alien DNA would be activated. This way, during the reproduction process, parts of the DNA would be active, and other parts would not. The resulting child would then be abducted and tested. Very few of the early batch of wave 3 worked, but a select few were correctly configured. The government also realized that these select few could be easily programmed for a specific function. In the children that were randomly abducted, the government realized that the testing rarely worked except in cases in which the child had irregular brain patterns. These irregular patterns are often mistaken as temporal epilepsy.

Fourth Wave

This wave is the latest and current wave being developed. This time, only select children are being tested. The government has almost perfected it's process, but is still trying to figure out the entire alien DNA strand and it's uses. They are now focusing on parts of the strand that seem to control mental abilities to create genius children. They are creating the nex race of remote viewers and programmed genius'.

Fifth Wave

Not yet begun. Believed to focus on creating the supersoldiar with alien DNA. The subjects would be breeded. The testing would begin with conception, but the government has not yet developed the technique.

Alien (cyborg) Implants

Alien, or cyborg, implants are being developed using alien technology. Though the government has not yet determined how to make the human body and human DNA accept and work with computer implants. The only known metal on earth that would concievably work would be titanium. However, this does not include metals not known on earth or from other worlds. This is where nanoprobes from in to place. The nanoprobes not only can either activate or apply the catalyst to activate alien DNA, but they can also be used to bridge the computer to the human cells and act as a translator to bridge the computer programing to the human programing. A concept that is relatively simple.