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Faux UFO's

I think that from time to time everyone has looked to the heavens and wondered if we are alone, and from time to time the people looking have seen strange otherworldly craft....but are they really something from another world...or a common every day occurrence that was mistaken. These are some of the things that are commonly mistaken for UFO's:

Aircraft-an aircraft that is seen at night or when turning may look like something from outerspace. New military aircraft can look odd to those of us that don't know the look of new military planes leading to mistaken identity.

Weather Balloons--Yeah I know...but it does happen.

Birds, insects, dust, pollen-When taking pictures all these things can be distorted by the camera lens and made to look like something else.

Helicopters-When flying at night and using a bright spot many police helicopters have, the light may look like the bright light reported by UFO witnesses.

Stars and Venus-Both have the characteristics light traits of a UFO and are mistaken for being one.