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Famous Abductions

Travis Walton

An November 5, 1975, Travis Walton was leaving the site where he worked in the mountains of Northeastern Arizona. He, and 5 others he worked with, saw a light in the woods. Thinking that is may be a crashed airplane, they drove closer. Travis was the only one to leave the truck or a closer look. The other 5 men in the truck saw Travis hit by a blue beam from the disc-shaped object. Travis was missing for five days. After his return, he had no memory of his abduction. Travis remembered some events that took place during his abduction over time, and was able to vividly describe them under hypnosis. He recalled seeing Greys and being given a tour of the craft.

Betty and Barney Hill

On the night of September 19-20, 1961, Betty and Barney Hill were returning to there home in New Hampshire from a vacation in Canada. At about 11pm the Hill's became aware of a bright star in the south west sky. Years after the abduction researchers have identified the bright star as the planet Jupiter. Even though the Hills were more than likely looking at Jupiter, it is believed that the planet was used as a natural trigger for the abduction. It appears that some outside force can manipulate the mind of a witness to make them see a star or a planet as a UFO and use it to hypnotise them into the correct state of mind.


Barney had to stop several times so Betty could get a better look at the UFO that was following them. Betty is adamant about the fact that the object had a pancake shape, even though her husband tried to convince both himself and his wife that it was only some kind of "jet aircraft". About 3 hours from home the strange light in the sky hovered in front of the HIll's car, it appeared to be a flattened disc with a line of windows along it's edge. A red light appeared to either side of the pancake. The Hills were able to see some movement from inside the craft and see the beings inside. The UFO began to move closer to the Hills car, Barney began to get upset thinking that the beings were going to "capture them". Barney remembered getting back in the car and speeding away, they realized that they were closer to home than they should have been but where hours later than they should have been.


Betty began to have dreams of her encounter with the UFO, both she and Barney underwent hypnosis to recover lost memories.   They both recalled an encounter with an alien race.

Were the Hill's really abducted, or did they just see the planet Jupiter and lose track of time on a long drive? You decide.

Cash-Landrum Case

Betty Cash and her friend Vicky Landrum and Landrum's young grandson were driving back from visiting a resteraunt on the nigh of December 29, 1980. Cash and the Landrums was a diamond-shaped object appear on the road ahead pouring out flame and light. The UFO hovered about the road. They felt waves of heat and had to get out of the car to escape it. Betty stood in front of the car, her wedding ring burning onto her finger. Landrums grandson became very upset by the UFO and was brought back into the car. Suddenly a number of helicopters flew over head toward the UFO, they were able to heard it away from the road. The helicopters that Cash and Landrum saw that night were reported to be the large twin roater chinook. No Agency in the years that followed the sighting took responsibility for the helicopters being in the area that night.

Vicky and Colby Landrum suffered only minor injuries and recovered in a few days. Betty Cash on the other hand became so ill that she needed to be hospitalized and spend a considerable amount of time in ICU.


Betty Cash died of cancer on the 18th annaversery of the sighting.

What did they see that night in 1980, was it the cause ofBetty Cash's death....I guess these are questions that we wil never know the answer to.

William McCarthy

On Monday, January 10, 1977, William McCarthy of Wakefield, New Hampshire found a hole, 3 feet in diameter, in the center of an iced over duck pond, that had appeared overnight. It looked as if something had fallen from the sky.


National Guard and State Civil defense authorities were called in as well as local police after McCarthy looked in the hole and saw a black cube resting on the bottom of the pond. State officials went to the McCarthy home 4 days after Mr. McCarthy found the object in his pond, they attempted to drain the pond but soon found that it was to difficult. Witnesses reported seeing state officials leaving the area with plastic bags.


This one is another you make the call. Local and State Authorities were called in because reports of radiation being detected at the site were made. The national guard and state authorities said that there was nothing to those rumors...they said that nothing was was it a crashed UFO or something else...did the authorities cover something up?? I don't know. E-mail us with your feelings.

The Bentwaters Case

This case is quoted directly from JIm Marrs 1997 book Alien Agenda Investigating the exterrestrial presence among us.

"Just after midnight on December 26-27, 1980, radar installations on the east cost of England began tracking n object that dropped below radar coverage near the East Anglian town of Ipswich. Nearby were the NATO bases of RAF Woodbridge and RAF Bentwaters, both leased by he Royal Air Force to the US Air Force as headquarters for the 81st Tactical fighterwing. US Air Force personnel, as well as civilians saw something descend into Rendlesham Forrest which surrounded the two bases.

"One witness was former USAF Sgt. John Burroughs, who had been stationed at Bentwaters since July of that year. Burroughs said both he and his supervisor saw some strange lights near the base's east gate. We decided to go on down off base and kind of check the edge of the woods to see maybe what was going on because it didn't seem right. There was radio traffic back and forth and the decision was made by the shift commander that I should accompany two security guys into the woods. Burroughs recalled. Walking into the woods, Burroughs said he saw a bank of lights differently colored lights that threw off an image of like a craft. I never saw anything metallic or hard. One of the security men with Burroughs identified only as James Archer however later described an object triangular in shape with three landing legs about 10 to 12 feet in diameter and eight feet high with a blue light on top red lights and white lights in the middle and a brighter white light emanating from the underside. Archer was certain he saw something inside the craft. I don't know what but the shapes did not look human.

"Another witness acting security police commander Sgt. Adrian Bustinza recalled that he too was ordered to check out lights in the forest hat night. When we got to point A the sightings or the object we had trouble turning the lights all on. Our truckers wouldn't run either(note car stop, common in close encounter cases). It was kind of like all the energy had been drained out of both light all units. He told researchers in 1984. We proceeded to look and in the process found kind of triangular tripods burned into the ground at three different standpoints. They were like it was a heavy object. They took radiation readings as I recall. Then I recall we were walking through the woods and we came upon the lights again. And that's when I first saw the object as a circular craft thicker at the center than the edge with a red light on top and several blue lights on the bottom. He said it was a tremendous size and kept moving about in a large clearing.

"USAF Sgt. Larry Warren said that as he approached the woods he saw a strange mist covering the ground. Warren said the red lights suddenly exploded in a blinding flash and a large arrowhead craft appeared. The main body was pearl white with a rainbow color effect. He said. It was constantly distorting as I looked at it. At the bottom was a bank of extremely bright cobalt blue lights. Below that I thought I could make out dark landing gear. Covering the entire surface were what looked like boxes pipes and strange extensions.

"Witnesses said the craft lingered in the area for more than an hour and that other airforce personnel arrived including the Woodbridge deputy base commander Lt. Col. Charles Halt Reportedly both the American and British authorities made both film and audiotapes of the event along with radiation tests.

"By 4:00 a.m. on December 27th the giant craft was joined by or divided into at least five smaller glowing objects that following a moving light display eventually disappeared into the sky.

"Official spokesmen denied that any audiovisual recordings were made of the event or that any official recordings existed. Freedom of Information Act inquiry resulted in the release of a corroborating official report.. "


Taking into account the time difference these events were taking place at the exact same time as the Cash/Landrum sighting


UFO's have been visiting Earth for a long time, this is a brief explanation of the Aurora Texas crash. The entire story can be found on other websites, or if you would like e-mail NAFPR and we will be more than happy to send you the entire report. So to save time, we will only offer the basic facts of the case here.

Interestingly enough the secret US military plane "aurora" was named after this incident.

In 1897 something crashed into a windmill in Aurora, TX. Debris and one body were collected from around the town. Some of the metal had strange writing on it that could not be deciphered. The body was that of a small man, he was buried in the Aurora cemetery. Some of the debris were buried with him.