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Important UFO Dates

12,000 BC: Paintings exist in various caves across Northern Spain and Southern France. They appear to depict disk like objects that may be UFO's

729: Roger of Wendover described two terrible stars passing over England.

1566: An etching in the central library in Zurch Switzerland depicts an event said to have occured on August 7th in the skies above Basle. People are shown staring at the sky as a number of balls of light speed across the sky.

1645: Annne Jeffrie working for the Pitt family at St. Teath, Cornwall was found on the ground outside having lost consciousness, she described her kidnapping by strange little entities. They supposedly floated her to a brightly lit place where they probed her body sexually. This may be the earliest record of alien abduction.

August 15, 1663: At Robozero Lake near Belozerk in Russia, church goers saw a ball of fire surrounded in blue smoke. It floated over the lake fading in and out. The glow made the water transparent after the UFO left a brownish deposit was left on the lake surface.

1678: Flaming object seen at night above the fields of oats in Herfordshire, England. The next morning one field was found by the farmer neatly mowed in a pattern similar to modern crop circles.

1824: Frech astronomer Camille Flammarion reported that at 5a.m. on October 20 strange electrical pulese of light were seen on the surface of the moon.

1866: A bizzarre rain resembling a greenish liquid struck Hoboken, New Jersey after the passing of an emerald colored ball that was seen on October 21.

1877: Astronomer Schiaparelli reported grooves on the surface of Mars---Birth of SETI

March 26, 1880: Galisteo Junction, New Mexico a huge balloon flew over head. A Chinese man appeared in town and claimed the craft was the worlds first airship. This case started a major wave of sightings that lasted 30 years.

1880: The county records of Sung-Xian China described how on May 8 a farmer Ju Tan saw a glowing UFO in the bushes. He began to float, became paralyzed and lost consciousness. He woke up two weeks later 300 mies away on top of a mountian with no memory of the missing time.

1896:The first major wave of UFO sightngs began with the sighting of an airship over Sacremento, California on November 17.

1901: UFO was observed at Bornebrook, England and became the first real alien contact of the 20th century.

June 30, 1908: A glowing light exploded above the Siberian tundra destroying miles of forest. A glowing cloud was seen across Europe and the shock wave circled the earth.

November 1909: A strange aircraft was seen by a farmer at Greytown, South Africa. Two strange men were seen standing next to it taking samples of water from a river.

Summer 1921: First 20th century abduction.

February 25,1942: A large object was reported over Santa Monica, California.

Fall 1944: Polish air crews reported being chased by strange lights, American air crews were seeing the same things--they were called FOO Fighters by the American air crews.

January 16, 1947: First sighting of the year, by an RAF Mosquito flying over the North Sea near the Dutch Coast.

May 1947: Wave of sightings began over the western US.

June 24, 1947; Kenneth Arnold observed a flight of crescent shaped object--media began using the term flying saucer after his sighting.

July 1947: Roswell crash--the wreckage is believed to have been brought to Wright Patterson Air Force Base.

December 30, 1947: Wright Patterson began a study known as Project Sign.

January 7, 1948: Project Sign's first case--Investigate the death of a military pilot Capt. Thomas Mantell, his plane crashed near Goodman Field, KY after trying to intercept a silvery ice cream cone.

December 1948: Series of Sightings began in New Mexico. Project Twinkel--set up to find hard evidence of UFO's using technological equipment.

February 11, 1949: Project Sign becomes Project Grudge.

December 27, 1949: Press was told Project Grudge had failed and was being closed--however grudge continued.

May 11, 1950: First picture of UFO was taken by the Trents in McMinnvlle, Oregon.

September 16, 1951: Captian Edward Rupplet took over Project Grudge and re-named it Project Blue Book.

July 19, 1952: Washington, DC. was invaded--UFO's were tracked over the White House.

January 1953: Capt. Rupplet was invited to a series of meetings in Washington to assess UFO evidence--Blue Book teams were ordered to tighten procedures and explain all sightings.

November 12, 1953: Canada set up Project Magnet, a specially equiped monitor site seeking to gain evidence of UFO's--it's results remain secret to this day.

September 10, 1954: Close Encounter at Quarouble, France that began a two month wave that focused on Europe.

October 1954: Hundereds of encounters mostly in Europe and North Africa.

August 13- 1956: Major case occured over East Anglia in Britian--Military radar operators tracked unknown objects crossing the sky.

August 30, 1956: Mid air encounter in daylight involving two RAF Javelins.

Apri 4, 1957: Third encounter over Britian occured in Southwest Scotland when a series of radar tracks were made of an object at 70,000 feet moving against the wind at several hundred miles an hour.

Spring 1957: Encounter in Argentina that seemed to be a dry run for abductions that were about to start.

September 7, 1957: Abduction with missing time

October 16, 1957: Antonio Villas Boas suffered illness from his encounter.

November 2, 1957: Dozens of car engines and lights stopped working when a lens shaped craft flew over head in Texas.

January 16, 1958: Brazlian navy vessel Alirante Saldhana witnesses a saturn shaped object surrounded by mist circle the ship cutting the ship's power

February 22, 1958: Antonio Villas Boas--considered to be the first true abductee.

August 13, 1960: USAF confirms tracking of a UFO over Red Bluff, California.

September 19, 1961: First American abduction or Betty and Barney Hill

March 19, 1966: Series of sightings of colored lights in the sky near Ann Arbor, Michigan.

October 7, 1966: USAF creates the Condon Report--the new project Blue Book.

November 6, 1967: New Hamshire car stop--grass burnt along road side.

December 3, 1967: Condon Report team investigates abduction in Ashland, Nebraska.

June 1, 1968: Condon Report officially ended.

November 1, 1968: French biochemist and his son have close encounter--both have triangle burn.

January 9, 1969: Condon report publshed.

May 1969: MUFON founded.

February 22, 1969: Maureen Duddly had an alien contact with two UFO investigators watching.

October 1, 1973: Amber lights above Jacksonville, Florida--three weeks of activty mostly in Southeast US.

October 11, 1973: Two fisherman were abducted in Pascquala, Mississippi.

October 18, 1973:Military Helicopter had an encounter with a red light that caused electrical problems.

October 27, 1974: Britian's first abduction of a family of five--they lost nearly two hours.

November 5, 1975: Travis Walton abduction in Snowflake, Arizona.

September 19, 1976: Iranian Air Force Jet had an encounter with a UFO.

March 1977: Britian under went a major UFO wave with almost 300 sightings.

May 1978: Russia has it's first UFO contact.

October 21, 1978: Plane disappears after a close encounter with a UFO.

June 1980: First Crop Circle.

November 28, 1980: Month long wave hits Britian.

December26, 1980: Cone Shaped object landed inside Redlesham Forest--left holes in trees and was tracked by radar.

December 29, 1980: Two women and there grandson encountered a cone shaped object near Huffman, Texas--it was being followed by unmarked helicopters--one of the women became so ill she was hospitalized for several days and died on the 18th anniversery of the encounter.

February 26, 1983: Hudson Valley Sightings.

April 1, 1984: East Britian experiances a massive four day wave.

1986: Connecticut psychologist Dr. Kenneth Ring conducted a study comparing adbuctees and people that have experianced NDE's.

1988: Rumors of Area 51 start.

March 14, 1989: Shuttle Discovery has first encounter with a UFO.

July 1989: Crop Circles begin appearing in increasing numbers and complexity.

April 21, 1991: Alitalia passenger jet almost collided with a cigar shaped UFO off the coast of Kent during a flight to London.

September 15, 1991: Discovery's second encounter with a UFO.

June 1992: Study of abductions launched by Harvard psychiatrist Dr. John Mack and MIT physicist Dr. David Prichard.

May 1995: First viewing of alien autopsy viewd by media.

January 1996: Researcher Derel Simms claimed to work with a doctor in California to remove implants.

February 1997: Discovery had third UFO encounter.

May 1999: Evidence of alien DNA found on abductee.

January 2000: UFOlogy for a new mellenium.