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Fundamentals of Ghost Chasing

Rules for an Investigation

1)No drugs

2)No drinking

3)No smoking while taking pictures

4)Don't take pictures in adverse weather conditions(snow, rain etc.)

5) Be sure to either remove camera straps or make sure that they are out of the way when taking pictures

6)Before taking pictures make sure that nothing in the area will reflect the camera flash

7)Before taking pictures be sure to clean the camera lens

8)Ask the spirits permission before investigaing the area and/or taking pictures

9)Always conduct one day time investigation so that you are familiar with the area and any possible dangers

10)NEVER leave an investigator alone-make sure that everyone can be seen at all times

11) Don't run

12)respect all posted signs-if the area has a no trespassing sign, get permission from the owner before investigating the area.

List of Equipment

35mm camera-Any kind will do, you don't need any special kind of really expensive camera to get a good ghost picture.

Camcorder-Again, you don't need any really expensive equipment. Our camcorder is used mainily for documentation, however we have gotten some interesting video at a few sites.

Audio recorder-Any kind will do. We use a mini recorder, it is used to pick up EVP"s. We recommend leaving the audio recorder in an area of the site that investigators aren't in, to aviod picking up those convesations. Remember to use a new tape.

Thermometer-To check for cold spots. We use a standard thermometer.

Compass- It works on the same idea as an EMF. Ghost/Spirit manifestations cause a change in the electromagnetic field, so when a ghost or spirit is around the compass will spin like a top or point North in the wrong directon.

Pen and Paper-To record your findings

Flashlight-So you can see where your going

First Aid Kit-Accidents happen even when your careful.

Well as you can see PSIG doesn't use any special or really expensive equipment. So don't think that a lack of funding or lack of expensive equipment means that you can't be a successful ghost chaser. Having said that some of our equipment is getting old and we are short of funds so any donations would be greatly appreciated.

Things often Encountered on an Investigation

Ghost-The mindless dead. A ghost is residual energy left behind. A ghost will only be seen in one place, one room in a house, or one area of a cemetary. They do the same thing over and over again.

Earthbound spirit-Is someone that has died and, because of a traumatic death, not knowing or understanding, or because of some unfinished business have not passed over. A spirit can move from room to room and can interact with the living.

Orb-The hazy white balls of light seen in pictures. A spirit needs energy to manifest, so they choose to appear as the small white balls of takes less energy. Can also be the first stages of a full manifestation.

Vortex-Cone of energy, energy cone. They way spirits travel between this plane and the astral plane.