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HI. My Name is Calee Michelle. My daddy made my name from his favorite uncle's name Calvin and his middle name Leroy. My name is pronounced (kay' lee).

I am Eight years old. I have 3 sisters. My two little sisters are twins. I live with my Mema and Grandpa. They love me very much.

My mema takes me to church with her. I have fun learning about Jesus.

Come back and visit me again. My mema will put some more pictures of me on this page.

Bye Bye.

Spring 97 Christmas 1998 Christmas99


These two pictures were taken of me on September 24,2000.
I sure am growing. See, I am missing my four front teeth.
This is where I go to School. My Grandpa is with me.
Working on name tags at Girl Scout Fall Festival with my friends.
MY FRIEND AND ME 9/28/1999
First Day of First Grade I sure am a silly girl!!
Me and my Girl Scout Troop Calee and the Bears in Missouri Christmas 2001 Dressed up like a Christmas Tree
GraduationCalee & Bri at Nikki's Graduation Party Girl!!!!!