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Grunge Kitty's Beliefs...

The first thing that I would like to say is that I believe in everything and nothing. Basically that means that I believe in everything until it is proven otherwise and question everything until it is proven. I do not know all and will not say that something is true if it is not proven. I do not mean to offend anyone by anything that I say below because I am not saying that any of it is true. I believe there is a God((gods/goddess/goddesses)) but i question it. I question everything in the world not knowing why I do it so, but it is the way I am.


You can only fear, love, or hate at one time because they all come from the same chakra of the body, the heart. if you fear someone, you do not hate or love them because you are afraid of them. If you love someone, you do not fear or hate them. If you hate someone, you will not fear or love them. You will notice this. If you fear something then how would you ever find out if you love or hate it?? You won't. Fear is also a very powerful weapon. You must not let fear rule your life.

It is good to have faith in others, gods/goddesses, and the earth, but before you put faith in anything you must put faith in yourself. If you believe that God(s)/goddess(es) are everywhere then they are also in you. So by putting faith in yourself you are putting faith in them. How can you have faith in other things if you can't even have faith in yourself?? You will never have total faith in anything if you do not place faith in yourself first.

I do observe the Wiccan Three-Fold Rule. It basically says that when you do something to someone/thing that it comes back to you three-folds. If it is bad, then it comes to you three times worse and if you do something good, then it comes back to three times better. Sounds fair, huh??

I believe that there is predestination. Before we are born each time ((if a person believes in reincarnation)) that we have chosen our destiny. We have our free-will, but it does not change our destiny. We just choose the paths everytime we make a decision to get to destiny's end. We can make decisions to go the more difficult way or the easier way. We do not know our destiny consciously, but subconsciously we do. Our subconscious holds more secrets than we are able to reveal.

Death totally depends on our beliefs. If you believe in reincarnation then you will be reincarnated; if you believe in heaven then that is where you will go-but it will be the heaven you create in your imagination; if you believe you will go to hell then that is where you will go. Everyone's beliefs differ in some ways. Truly, death and life are just a black abyss that is created by imagination. There ARE flaws in this theory as there is in lots of theories. Each person has their own world, death, and beliefs. It is not really a whole different world, but I am saying the same thing that the person who first said: "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" meant. People see the world through different eyes and hear things with different ears so you do not know how others see it.

I do not believe in heaven. I believe there is just continuous life until your soul has become tired. Where you go after that I do not know. Maybe no where. For the ones that do this is where they go in death. It is created by their own beliefs and imagination.

I do not believe in hell either. This works the same way as heaven. I do not believe in the Devil either. If I did believe in the Devil then I would say that he is also a God because he "controls" things in mortal lives.

I am not quite sure that I believe in them, but I do believe there is something. Something that watches over us and makes sure that our destiny's are lived. They do not interfere with life and death, but are more like onlookers and creators.

I believe in reincarnation. To me it is the most sensible. In reincarnation your soul is recycled over and over into the physical bodies that are created. This is a continuous process until your soul is tired. To be created once more is the greatest gift that you could ever receive. Reincarnation is also a reason why people feel like they have already known each other ((deja vu)) or are afraid of some things. Usually the person was injured by their fear or died-in some way it was a conflict. Many of the people who have known each other before may pick up where they left off in a past life. I also think thats why some people are "punished" in some ways. But I am not sure. Maybe the "punishment" is there to lead you into the person you are meant to be, or maybe it is to "punish" you for an action in a past life.

We will discover what our point of life is when we stop looking and just live. You will never find something that you are constantly looking for even if it is right in front of your face. It is also probably whatever you believe it is. Belief is a very powerful thing. Perhaps there really isn't a point at all.. just to live and die.

Whatever you believe is what is real and true. No one can tell you that your beliefs are stupid and that they are wrong. There is nothing wrong or right in beliefs. Whatever you believe in is the only reality.

There are 4 types of love: family, friends, boyfriend/girlfriend, and partnership (fiancee, long-term relationship, husband-wife...).

this is what you feel towards your family members. It is a love that is just natural for you to feel towards them. It is unconditional in most cases.
A feeling towards close friends. It is what you feel for a family member, but it must be learned and developed. It should be unconditional, but isnt always.
You can love another girl/guy, but it might not be unconditional or strong. It is just a feeling that you feel for the other that is stronger than a friendship. It is more like a crush. You love the person.. as in caring for them, but you are not IN love with them.
This is the strongest feeling of love. It is commonly noted as being in love. You love the person unconditionally and view the person as a perfect being-the person might have flaws but they do not bother you
There is no way to define love. It is just a feeling that you have towards others. Sometimes you feel as if you love someone, but really don't. It isn't love but infatuation or longing.
Love might not even exist. Perhaps we just call a feeling that, but it is really not anything. It might be another degree of another emotion. ((difficult to explain))

The total soul consists of 3 people. Each of the 3 people hold a piece of the whole soul. There is the good part, the neutral, and the evil ((well more on the bad side)). Eveyone subconsciously seeks out the other parts of their soul until they find each other. Usually when they find each other they begin to feel very strong feelings of knowing each other. Soul mates usually experience ESP from each other. ESP is knowing what another is thinking, feeling, or doing. Soul mates also may fall in love easily, depending on which pieces are together. The good and evil souls fall in love easily because they make a full half soul and share two feelings ((this is what they really mean by "opposites attract")). A neutral and good soul mate can also fall in love with a lot attachment. Neutral and evil souls may love at first, but will turn to hate and disgust. It will be too much on the negative side.
People do not necessarily end up with their soul mates and can deeply and strongly love another.

Earth and things were created. I believe that. Something made it. Who knows what theory is correct, but there is creation. But that is not all there is.

Evolution is more than likely true. The earth knows to adjust to other plants and animals. It even adjusts to the humans. We all became accustomed to many different things and discovered how to change to get the most from each other or to help other things. We will continue to evolutionalize our world and our world will continue to evolutionalize us.. and with us.