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" please hand me the bottle, I think I'm lonely now - and please give me direction, I think the hurt set in..."

Long Day

This is matchbox twenty fan Forum Bharucha's interpretation of Long Day:

Longday, is basically a song speaking of a harsh truth of life. As Rob says, ‘a long day, always ain't that right’, well, what I interpret of this and also feel very strongly about the same, is that, long day has been referred to lot of hard work put in, but sometimes your hard work doesn’t pay u back, the way u’ve been expecting, that’s why its not always that, a long day would be right. At the same time, he asks lord to give him hope to survive, by asking him, ‘reach down your hand in the pocket’, and then this time he says,’ no lord your hand won’t stop it, just keep u trembling’, so he asks a justice from the almighty! He keeps on repeating that 'I can’t get myself to go away', that there is no way out here, it's life and it's gonna happen every time.

And here are my random thoughts on the song...


When Rob says, It's been a long day, always, ain't that right, I interpreted that as every day is a long day, then like, ain't it the truth. I'd never even considered Forum's view of the song, and it's quite interesting to think about it.

Now that Forum got the ball rolling with interpreting this song, I'll go into it now.
I think the song has to do with how painful it is when a relationship is on the rocks, to do anything but think about it. A girl writes him this note that he's not reading but won't throw away. He's dwelling on it, but he's not taking action. I'm a bit confused about the line and also reach she said for no one else but you, cuz you won't turn away when someone else is gone. I'm thinking that she's depending on him too much, just because she knows that, when everyone else isn't paying any attention to her, he will.

They have a rather reciprocal relationship going on. She's able to air her concerns, and he's able to air his attitude.

I don't know. I find this one of Rob's most complex songs. So many aspects of it to consider. I'm starting to think that there's a three-way system going on here, that this girl comes to him with her worries and he's going to someone else with his attitude and telling them stuff he can't believe they believe. Maybe he's saying that there's this girl out there with all these concerns, he's here wishing he'd just go away, but there's this person over here, the you in the song, who is "so set in life. I'm thinking his general message is that every day for you is a long day because of the struggles that you have to face, and that, if every day isn't a long day for you now, it's going to end up that way. Though you get so far so fast, so what? So long! [BTW, I put the punctuation into that line that way; it's not like that on the lyric sheet. I'm just considering this possibility.]

This really is a complex song, and I'd like to hear other people's takes on it.

Oh, and how can I talk about the song without discussing the video? I've heard that the matchsticks had little creative control over what went into this video. It is markedly different than the MB20's other music videos. The video seems their style though, a little out of the ordinary. Rob looks cool cruising around in that car, and in the suit on the roof. It took me a while to notice that, while Rob's singing on the roof, Paul, Kyle, Adam, and Pookie are walking around in circles fast, then slow. Then, when they're shown playing instruments, like, Paul's got a completely different looking drum set, and Kyle's got a violin, (I heard he used to play). That whole scene is cool. I like when they're performing off to the side while the two shady-types are duking it out, (BTW, what exactly is with that "fight" scene?). Rob makes certain faces in this video, (especially when he and the guys are playing in a room,) that remind me of faces that a three-year-old named Audrey makes, (I used to be her and her sister's nanny). It's just funny seeing that look on Rob's face.

My favourite part of the video has to be when the band's doing their Beatles Abby Road impression.
