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" please hand me the bottle, I think I'm lonely now - and please give me direction, I think the hurt set in..."

09 May 2001 - I created a new page called My Three Wise Men, dedicated to... well... my three wise men. What does that have to do with mbpotion20? Rob's the gold, baby! So go check it out! I put a link to this page on the quotes page.

26 April 2001 - I spent most of yesterday either preoccupied with or engaged in writing my BRAND NEW matchbox twenty fanfiction story. Yes, folks, another one. This one is called Argue, and it is posted on A direct link to the story can be found in the fanfiction section. Enjoy! Oh, and VERY soon, Jones Crazy will be posting FIVE MORE CHAPTERS of If You're Gone. Oh, the excitement!

18 April 2001 - Last night, I went to Charlotte, NC, to see MATCHBOX TWENTY!!! I did NOT want to miss a single detail that I could possibly recall, so I wrote the review into the wee hours of the morning after the concert. Now the review is up on my concert experience page. That show was SO AWESOME!!! I'm going to have a hard time doing ANYTHING for the next few days without thinking of last night! This time, my review is more complete, including a more in-depth look at everclear and Lifehouse as well. They were part of the experience; they enhanced it. Also, I'm now a member of, an excellent little fanfiction community. My stories are now more widely read, and people have been writing reviews of them. I'm under the pseudonym dearjoan. I've posted all my fanfic here, not just MB20 related stories. Here is the link to my profile and listing of fanfic. I also have a link to that page in my fanfiction section.

14 April 2001 - just added a link to my site; it's number ten. So what does that mean for this site? I'm hoping increased traffic! I'm hoping that more people will see this page, that I will be discovered, and that I will become famous faster than you can say Smooches... okay, I'm just wanting more traffic. The rest will come about, in due time.

13 April 2001 - It's Friday the thirteenth, but that's not why I'm writing. Last night, I had another MB20 dream. This one had to do with Paul. Check it out at Trippin' with the Matchsticks! Also take a look at the new format. Okay, it's not a drastically new format, but I think it'll be handy for the future surfing of that page.

6 April 2001 - I've added another dream to the Trippin' with the Matchsticks page, under Other Insanities.

31 March 2001 - You might have guessed this already, but mbpotion20 has been MAJORLY revamped! New logo(s), new frameset, new intro... and my favourite: LOTS of neat little buttons for links, as opposed to the boring image map that used to dominate the website. It really was a hindrance to format. Hope y'all are liking the new set-up though!

29 March 2001 - Nifty nifty blue scroll bars, now a feature of this site! Aren't they perty? Well I'M lovin' 'em! Also, scoot on over to the poetry section to read the newest MB20-inspired lyrics, Baby's Lullaby.

26 March 2001 - SEE PICS OF US MEETING PAUL!!! You can find a link to them from the Worcester Concert Experience page, in the Concert Experience section.

25 March 2001 - The next two chapters, (or "matchbox"s, as I've been calling them), of my current fanfic, If You're Gone, are posted in the fanfiction section of Jones Crazy. Catch the exciting continuation: Will the matchsticks make it to their next show in Atlanta? Will our heroes find their lead singer? Or will one of them have to tell Marisol, "We've lost your husband."?

22 March 2001 - Read about The Case of the Phantom Pick, a new edition to Other Insanities. Get your daily dose of whacked philosophy. Also, I had an "oh, yeah!" moment over at the Concert Experience section, pertaining to the Worcester performance.

17 March 2001 - Updating the Concert Experience section became necessary when I went to my second matchbox twenty concert... AND MET PAUL! Read all about it!!! I've also added a fifth dream to the Trippin' with the Matchsticks page.

8 March 2001 - I've further interpretted Crutch off the Mad Season album. Might be worth the peak.

2 March 2001 - I've added another dream to Trippin' with the Matchsticks, in the Other Insanities section. This dream freaked me out and threw off my entire day.

27 February 2001 - Find out about Matchstick Pokemantras. Hey, who ever said the internet isn't educational?...oh, nobody said that. Oh well.

26 February 2001 - Now released to the general public: MB20 Theory #2! This one's about Paul; that's all I'm saying.

23 February 2001 - Check out other insanities for two matchbox twenty puzzles: a crossword puzzle and a word scramble.

19 February 2001 - Little Blue Box of Matchstick Magic added to the other insanities section. The page contains articles and pictures that I scanned from my real-life blue box. And I'm sharing, so go rightclickin' happy.

18 February 2001 - I've been slaving over a hot, rework my featured scents bar. I've added other insanities, because I have ideas for the future that really don't fit under the rubric of the other categories. I moved the Trippin' With The Matchsticks page to this new section, and I've added a MB20 theory. I've put in a bizaam bomb guestbook on the front page; it really is a cool guestbook, the best one I've ever had. So please, please, PLEASE go sign it!!! I love hearing from fellow Matchstickaholics.

17 February 2001 - This morning, I went to my local Ticket Master Outlet... AND GOT TICKETS FOR MATCHBOX TWENTY'S APRIL 17TH SHOW IN CHARLOTTE, NC!!! FLOOR SEATS!!! And, on the Ides of March, I get to see MATCHBOX TWENTY at their SOLD OUT show at the Worcester Centrum!!! Estatic, maniacal exuberance are the words here, though still somewhat lacking. So what's this mean for the site? Expansion of the concert experience section, baby! As for current updates, I made a link banner for this site and threw in some code with it. You can find that on the main page. Also, I've added matchbox twenty fan Forum Bharucha's lyric interp of Long Day. It's rather unique; it gave the song a new spin for me.

Who wins the Most-Homocidal-Looking Award today? I think Pookie's got it in the bag!
