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~~*ChiLLin WiTh DiaNe*~~

To SigN thE gUesTBoOk In The ShoUtOutz PaGe :) ThaNx~*~ I HaVeNt HaD tIme tO maKe BiG chaNgeS But i HaVe AddeD a FeW sO CheCk theM oUt!~

~!! CheCk Um Out !!~

~!*!~aLL aBouT mE~!*!~
~CoNtinUe aBout Me~
*~RHS BaBeZ sHoutOUts~*
**HiGh sChOoL sHouTs CoNt.**
***HaWaII sHouToUtz***
~*RaNdOm PeOpLe sHouToUts*~
PeRsOnaL PoeMs
RanDom PoeMs
ArE YoU InSaNe?? FiNd OuT HeRe!!!
BoRed?? ChEck DiS OuT!~
~!*SpEciaL ThiNgS iN LiFe*!~
~@~HinTs In Life~@~

WeLcOmE To My SiTe! HaVe fUn KnoCk YoUrseLf OuT aNd CoMe aGaiN soOn~i AddeD a NeW shOuToUts PaGe sO gO lOOk aT thaT! Its PreTTy MucH the OnLy ThiNg i UpDaTe on HeRe oH weLL!
SoMe KuTe KwOtz!!
***You mess with my Girlz, You mess with me, Hurt them and you will see how fast I make your life a Living Hell cuz Id give my Life for them and take yourz as well*** i DuN pLay By aNy OtHa RuLeS i WiLL B No1's FooL i WoNt LoSe DiS GaMe ..UnDaStAnD iF u CaN... i aM WhO i aM!~
Me aNd My gUrLz dOnT gOtTa MaCk LiKe a HoE wE JuSt SiT BaCk N aTtRaCt tHe gUyS LiKe WhOa*~ HoTta DeN HoTt _ SiKa DeN SiK Me and MaH freNdz maY aPpeaR SwEeT BuT WeZ aLL -GaNgsTa- CHiX
*WiTh A KiSs aNd A ShOuT ThIs CUtIe Is OuT*MuaH*
