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Shout-outs, Links, And lots about ME!


Some LinkSSSSS

Me and Kel's band
More About Me
Bergalicious and Kelly Kellogg's Guvvie and Miles Page
Pictures of Friends
More Pictures of Friends
Even More Pictures of Friends
Even Even More Pictures of Friends
Even Even Even More Pictures of Friends
~*NEW*~ Even Even Even Even More Pics
Angelfire - Free Home Pages
Kelly Kellogg's Website ~ U GOTTA GO HERE!
Jake's website- don't bother! it sucks...J/K
MTV ~ great music

Here's a little about me: name: RachAel, but everybody calls me BERG

school: RHS, go warriors!

sport: SOCCER~ da best sport there is! I played JV for RHS this year (w/ Kel, Jammerz, Bakiki, Maria Maria, Shockley, and some other great players) and we r gonna kick Hillcrest's butt next year!and i also swim for SLF! go swordfish, we have da' coolest mascot (STEVE), right u guys? hahaha

Best buds: *NINA, kelly, april, LZ, adam, erin b*~ LUV U GUYS!

hobbies: getting a tan (orsh gelee', right kel?), soccer, soccer, soccer, soccer, swimming, hanging w/ my buds, chillin' at da bagel shop, playing b-ball at dave's w/ the champion h-o-r-s-e player Apes!, singin' w/ NA, deep convos and saturday calls w/ genious blonde, and like sooo much mo'!!!!

Make sure u sign my guestbook before u get oout of my website!


