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((Painting by CLIFF HINSON))

Badger Clark
Oh Lord, I've never lived where churches grow
I love creation better as it stood
That day you finished it so long ago
And looked upon your work and called it good
I know that others find you in the light
That's sifted down through tinted window panes
And yet I seem to feel you near tonight
In this dim quiet starlight on the plains
I thank you, Lord, that I am placed so well
That you have made my freedom so complete
That I'm no slave of whistles, clock or bell
Nor weak eyed prisoner of wall and street
Just let me live my life as I've begun
And give me work that's open to the sky
Make me a pardner of wind and sun
And I won't ask for life that's soft or high
Let me be easy on the man that's down
Let me be fair and generous with all
I'm careless sometimes, Lord, when I'm in town
But never let 'em say I'm mean or small
Make me as big and open as the plains
As honest as the horse between my knees
Clean as the wind that blows behind the rains
Free as the hawk that circles the breeze
Forgive me, Lord, if I sometimes forget
You know the reasons that are hid
You understand the things that gall and fret
You know me better than my Mother did
Just keep an eye on all that's done or said
And right me sometimes when I turn aside
And guide me on the long, dim trail ahead
That stretches upward, toward the Great Divide
The Cowboy's Faith
( No Horses In Heaven) .
What's that, sir, no horses in heaven you say
Hold on, Mr. Preacher, don't talk that way
Don't call it a country of pleasures and rest
For us sun-dried punchers out here in the west
Unless there's some horses across the Divide
That we can lasso and pal with and ride
We don't want no wings, or a harp,
don't you see
We want to live on in a land that is free
Where mesquite ain't thick and
the fences are few
And all honest cowboys have something to do
We want just a blanket out under the sky
Where we can count stars and the clouds floating by
We want the night song of the cricket and owl
We want to get lonesome when coyotes howl
I'll pine there in Heaven,
if Pinto ain't there
To leave him behind, sir, to me won't look square
Us two have been pardners for seven long years
A ridin' on circle and trailin' the steers
So when I checks in and lay down my rope
I ain't got much gospel, but this is my hope
I'll step through the darkness along trails that's strange
And find Pinto waiting up there on the range >

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Something Good
Annies Place
Telly the Northern Angel
King of the Cowboys
ICKY (a Tribute to Tim & Icky)
Mandy's Page ((little Angel in Heaven))
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The Hammer