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...Welcome to the place to find Christain links.
When completed I hope that this site will enable you to find all of the christain links you need.
Please rember, this site needs your help. If you have any Links that you would like to add to my page, let me know! (E-Mail Address At the Bottem of the page.)
I would also like to say that I haven't actualy asked premition to list these sites. So If any of these sites belong to you, and you have A problem with me using them than I ask that you E-Mail me post hast, so that I might rectify any problem that you might have.


-The Weekley Word Of God is now online.
-All of the dead links that have been on this page have been removed.
-The veggei Tails link has been replaced with A link to a Veggies Tails Link Page.(and this time I promise that it will work!)
- If you have any segestions or comments, pleas E mail me.(Addres at the bottem of the Page.)

What do yoy belive?... Why do you belive it?...
Don't have blind faith! Ask questions and study the word of god for your self.

"Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly deviding the word of truth."
(2 timothy 2:15)

!!!May the links begin!!!

-Christian Faith, testimonies, apologetics and bible studies (Faith Section A1000) TruePath provides free disk space for Christians to to share Christian Faith, testimonies, apologe tics and bible studies. TruePath is a Christian community that offers web hosting for Christians. We also offer online web building software

-Statment of faith
-Jesus Chhrist.A man or GOD?
!!!kjv!!!-The Bible Clearly Explained with concordance and text frome the holy bible.!!!kjv!!!
Music links.
Christain music connection
-link sites and resourses-
The Canadaian Cristain connection.This is the best site that I have found for Cristain reserch.
-Fun stuff-
The Veggie Tails Web ring site.This is a good site with veggie info.It also has tons of veggie links!!!
The massive vegge tals link page


The Weekley Word Of God is now online.