The story of gregg-wolfey

when i was little me and my family (mother, father, me, 2 younger brothers Lyle and Kewin, and my little sister i called princess) lived in the wilderness my father farmed and trapped to get us what we needed, well for some reason for a few years i had this on going sickness, they couldn't tell what was wrong....

well when its at its worst i have a fever that lasts for a day or 2 so i spent lots of time in bed, my mother decided when it was cool outside to open my window so i would get a breeze and i could hear the wolves howling in the distance, never scared me the sound soothed me made me sleep...

well one night it got really bad, i was so sick with fever my folks didn't think i would make it, well late that night my mind started to have strange thoughts like i was awake yet dreaming i heard the wolves and i started howling back softly went on for hours or minuets i was never sure, well i heard something at my open window...

i opened my eyes at the sound and saw this beautiful wolf with sliver fur climbing in, i was mystified, she came in and looked me over with caring concerned eyes, she licked my hand as a way of reassuring me i would be ok, then she climbed in my bed laying beside me her head on my chest then i slept the most peaceful sleep i had since the sickness started....

the next morning when i woke up i lay there with my eyes closed was wondering if i dreamt it all, then my hand brushed against something not familiar to me i slowly opened my eyes and there she was the same wolf that appeared the night before, eyes open looking at my face kindly and i knew then the sickness was gone from me for good and i know it was her doing......

well me and wolfess (named her) stared at each other then i said "my folks aren't gonna believe this" she just looked at me, "can u come with me i won't let my folks hurt u, they will understand" she hopped off my bed i thought she was gonna go for the window but she waited for me

well my mother was making first meal for us she didn't see me at first then i said "mother what r u making?" she looked up shocked, even more shocked when she saw Wolfess,"mother she is good she has made me well do not be afraid" mother fainted....

never a pet i asked if she liked the name, she didn't object, well me and Wolfess woke mother gently, when mother saw how kind Wolfess was and how well i looked, she accepted it Wolfess even let mother rub her back...

"time to tell father u stay here with....." "Wolfess mother" "Yes Wolfess, will she stay with u" looked in Wolfess's eyes" yes" well my mother told father everything of course he didn't believe until he saw, he was scared she would hurt me "father see i am well Wolfess did it, i know not how but she did, she is my friend please accept her" father realized that some how Wolfess cured me he thanked her (to mine as well as Wolfess's surprise) Wolfess decided to go i walked her out he door, she started to run off then she stopped and looked back at me, i knew i would see her again...

2 weeks later (i was still well) she came back and woke me gently got me up to follow her outside, and i did me being the curious sort, to the nearest grove of woods, and i met her clan (was not scared one bit) i met her mate and her children (no little cubs different ages)

yes it was amazing i felt apart of something like i had two families my human family and wolf family...... it was a clear nigh the moon wasn't full but close and i sat beside Wolfess looking at the stars, she pulled away from me and she spoke to her clan (don't know wolf at the time so i didn't understand) well i was allowed to be he newest addition to the clan, each wolf approached me and nuzzled my neck and i rubbed their back, then when i met all we sat looked at the moon and they howled

well Wolfess came to visit me from weeks to months at a time i never worried i always knew she would be back, then my 13th year she took a long time to visit, when she came i could tell we would be gone for a few days so i packed some food and we left through my window like all the times before

we traveled some of the night and slept and ate when we needed then we arrived where we were traveling to near nightfall

i could feel this place was important and so was the night very special..... Wolfess guided me to a spot and made me sit there..... then she started pulling my shirt so i took it off then she was pulling my pants(now if this wasn't Wolfess i would wonder what was going on)

well she clued me in to take them off myself, but basically yes....... well i sat there and waited for the moon rise with the clan gathered around me keeping me warm, the moon rise was almost at its highest then the clan moved from taking their spots on different rocks around me and when the moon reached its highest point its light shining directly above me one wolf after another (i could tell the first was Wolfess) took up the howling song and the sound was astounding then my body started tingling all over....

the sensation was hard to describe, it was comforting and soothing, yes powerful and opened my senses, i stood the light all around me and in me. as i rose from my sitting position i started to howl as best i could with my pitiful human voice, and i felt something change within me. my voice changed sounding more and more like a wolf.... is it my imagination, i asked myself.... it wasn't. as the howling continued i felt more aware of my surroundings, sounds and smells i was never aware of, i couldn't understand what was going on the the moonlight faded and i looked at my hands... they were hands no more but paws!

i could hear voices speaking around me but i saw no humans just my wolf family and i realized the voices were coming from them! Wolfess approached me, and explained,everything. when i was sick so badly and howled she came to me the howl from my lips sounding like someone sick and dying and she came to see, then she came in my room looked in my eyes and knew i was worth saving, so she saved me, made me part of her clan The Swiftfoot Clan, and what i just experienced was something only possible every 1000 years. i could be a wolf and change to human when and if i wanted, and my wolf name would be wolfey, from then on i went by the name gregg-wolfey........
