My 1st Floor Friends *S*

these r the friends i made when i moved from the downstairs to the 1st floor in the chathouse!

blue eyes(f) - *kiss* glad we met u r a very sweet wonderful caring woman *cuddles* u r very special to me! i hope we r friends for a long time *S*

oR~sCrUbNuRsE - my very first friend i made on the first floor! *huggeroos* u r a very wonderful and caring friend, and i know we r friends forever, i wish u all the happiness! *VVBS* and *KOYC*

Dark Warrior (f) - one of the sweetest women i know! *wolfey cuddles and soft kisses* wise beyond your years, u r one of my very best net friends, and i love and enjoy your friendship! i'm glad i met u r/t u always have a special place in my heart! DOOBIE DOOBIE DOO!

Foxy - foxy get out of those bushes with the doorman? jeeze! *L* hey hun *huge smooch* we gonna dance again sometime soon i promise! *S*

kw - hey u r ok in my book! i mean how could i not like a guy who spells his name the right way, Gregg (like me) instead of Greg(WRONG!!!) *grin* u r a good friend and we always have fun picking on each other! *L* and... and... *sniff* *sniff* I LOVE YOU MAN! hey can i have your Bud Lite? *LMAO*

htownmama - how do u put up with that scuzz kw! *L* just kidding! *wolfey hugs and a kiss* kw is a nice guy and very lucky to be married to such a sweet woman, Y-O-U! its always fun to chat with u two! *S*

Internet Angel - u r so sweet *warm cuddles koyc* i hope everything in your life turns out the way u want cuze u deserve it! i am glad i met u in person darlin *soft kiss* *S*

American Woman - hey hun! always loved your song *S* hey look u r on top of CT! told ya i would put u there *warm hugs* u r always nice to me u r a great friend!

Ct Yankee - u r ok for a yankee! *S* u r a funny dude always fun chattin with ya!

Karen - oh karen a perv after my own heart! *S* u r a sweety! hope your boyfriend relizes how lucky he is for having u! *warm wolfey cuddles koyc* u stay sweet now! or bad! NAW be both!! *WEG*

~Sensual Red Headed Bitch~ - hey red u cool sweety from S.Africa! u r fun (even thought u like Manson! heehee) *wolfey hugs and kisses* hey u r groping me again! ALRIGHT! *VWEG*

rick1 - hey rick my buddy! u had some problems but u r always so cheerful! u r an amazing friend! and i know we will be friends for a long time! i promise Sexy will teach u the rules to pok-her! *WEG*

Princess Laya Star - hey hun *warm hugs* u r very very strange! no wonder i like ya so much!!! *L* very funny and very smiley u r great *S*

Shadow Spawn - u r a really cool guy *S* i hope i find out more about your sweety so i can tell her what a great catch she has in u!!

obediency - obed *warm cuddley hugs and Bkoyc* thank u for listening to me when i needed someone to hear me! u r truely sweet and a caring friend, u got a lucky boyfriend!

Grits - hey my fellow South Carolinean friend! *hugs* its fun talkin with u and comparing weather from the different parts we r from! *S*

5th element - 'ello luv! my first english friend from Hull ('ull is the english translation!) u r so sweet (i don't see how u put up with that sloppy fellow of your! *L*) u r a true friend and very funny! *wolfey cuddles and soft kisses* and *huge wolfey hugs and kisses* for Deb!

sloppy seconds - HEY! DON'T TOUCH ME LIKE THAT! yuck brush your teeth again! *L* u r a strange funny dude! your poor wife! how can she put up with u!!!! u know i luv ya buddy! NOT! *L*

w.a.s.p - hey my second friend from 'ull! *wolfey cuddles and kisses* heehee u r funny! i love the passed out (many passed out) pics of u! u r so cute when u sleep! *face lick*

Lady Mystaire - *huge tight warm cuddley wolfey hugs face licks too* u r a really great friend "my lucky star" if u will! *S* u r a dear to talk to and u make me smile a lot!!!

night wolf (f) - hey *wolfey pounce and pin u down for a huge hug* u r the coolest! i enjoy our chandelier swings and our wrestling match! EVEN THOUGH I WAS ROBBED!! *L* and remember hun when a dog bites u bite it back! *S*

rogue wolf - ahhhh night signaficant other *S* u r a nice guy from the times we talked and u r cool cuze u know about South Calacky! well i hope meybe i will meet u two in person! THAT WOULD ROCK!!!

Dr. BritBrat - hey sweetness! told u i would get u here luv! *wolfey snuggles and a big kissssss* and *huge warm wolfey huggers* u r a great friend and a very caring person. we have laughted and cryed, made it through good time and bad! *S* u will be in my heart always and forever! *big wet kiss* my britbabe! *VBS*

shhhh - hey sweety *wolfey huggers licks kisses gropes butt rubs and nibbles* mmmmm u r so nice and a real great friend! so happy we started talking *VVBS* i hope u enjoy that tie *WEG* heehee

blueyes200 - *wolfey huggers long slow sensual licks and gropes and kisses* hey hun sorry it took me sooooooo long to add u *hanging head* hope u forgive me! *S* i just love seeing u and shhhh talk about your daughter, sounds like your kid is a sweety just like u *VBS* u r a good friend! see u around chat!!

Pakkie - *BITE* mmmmmmmmm yummmy! i finaly met someone who loves bites as much as me! WHOOOHOOO! yeah baby! paks we become good friend and i am so glad to meet u! *S*

Delene - hey u nut from South Africa! u r so funny glad u enjoyed my show *W* well anyway u r a sweety love all your sayings! thank god u put a dictionary on your page or i'd be sooooo lost! *wolfey huggruffes and floffers and luupies* (don't ask *L*)

Practical Magic (F) - hey sweety! *cuddles and kisses* u r sooooo weird thats why i loves ya *L* u stay the same and u better come back and chat with me some more! *S*

NINO - hey dude u r my partner in crime! i am glad we met u r a cool dude, and one day we gonna get that show from Ilene & Pakkie *WEG* heeheehee ^5!

Ilene & RodNut - u 2 r a trip and a half! *wolfey snuggles and licks* Ilene and Rod... *HUGE SMOOCH* HEEHEEHEE... come on Rod i know u love my smooches *W* j/k i am glad we r friends its always fun to pick on u Rod and remember Ilene u still owe me and NINO a show remember u and Pakkie? *W*

Daisy - hey my new friend from down under! *warm tight wolfey hugs and licks* mmmm u r so sweet sorry i shocked u when we met, but i always like shaking things up hun! *LOL*

JuJuB - u r a wonder to me *warm wolfey snuggles and long lingering kisses* mmmmm, very nice and sexy and u make me smile when i see u! glad we r friends and someday i'll swing by your place for some fun! *VVWEG* loves ya hun!

Storm King - HEY STORMY! *S* u r one cool friends and i'm glad we can talk when u got time, but i know thats not to often cuze Sally got your attention ALL the time! i am very jealous of her gettin all your affections! *pout* j/k! someday u gonna share her with me right? *LOL*

Sally Brown - ahhh stormy's damsel in shinning armor! u r such a nice caring woman *tight hugs and gropes and licks* u ever get tired of him cum find me *WEG* oh and u r very sexy looking! love when stormy shows me your pics!

Cinder-ella - hiya hun *wolfey huggers and licks* see u r here now! i hope u r happy, all the pain and agony u caused me! *L* and i BETTER be on your friends list very soon or u r in big trouble, lil' lady! *LOL*

Lil Kitten - kitten *warm cuddles, nose licks, and soft kisses* my sweet kitten friend... what would i do without u? so strong and caring and warm, u r such a wonderful, beautiful (YES U R BEAUTIFUL DON'T ARGUE WITH ME!!!) friend... i love u hun and monkey is very lucky to have u! u been here whenever i needed u and helped me back up when i've fallen down and givin up... thank u so much sweety *soft smile*

Annie Hall - hey suga' *cuddles and gropes and kisses* nice tights *VWEG* u r such a nice person (for a damn yankee *W*) and thanks for being my friend, and lookin out for me, u r the ONLY person i'd go in the men's room to talk to! i hope that makes u feel special! *S*

Missy - hey hun i LOVE your kisses! *kissssssssss* u r a funny lady and *singing* u take me by the heart, when u take me by the hand *W* u MUST let me chat with your friend some time real soon *WEG*

Lady Deb - *wolfey huggruffers nyummmmmmies and smooches* mmmmmmm i love the nyummiees u give me! make me feel like a million bucks! *VBS* u r a sweety and i'm working on buying you the Lexas so i can have ya as Mrs Wolfey *W*

honeybee - my sweet sweet cybersis! *BBBBBBBBBBBBBBHugs and kisses licks nibbles* u have been such a great friend to me and i love u for that *S* we been through a lot the last few months i am so glad i adopted u, u r really great and a wonderful sis to me *VBS*

sweettang - one of my other many cycbersisters i got from adopting my honey sis *tight snuggles* u r a real sweety and im glad i know u *kisses* u r funny and sweet and good friend to for puttin up with my shit *LOL* thanks

sweet kathleen - i can't believe i have know u this many years and NOW i am FINALLY adding u here! *L* im sorry it has taken me sooooo long! *warm tight wolfey hugs and sweet yummy kisses* i am so glad u r back again i missed u dearly! u r a great friend... and important to me *VBS* glad u r back!

Princess of Cyber - hey sweety *tight hugs and soft sweet kisses* u r such a wonderful friend to me, i am so glad i know u and we r such great friends *S* i love when u call me puppie, makes me feel special... i know we will meet one day soon and have a great time together! *rub noses with u* heehee

goodnightmoon - *warm wolfey cuddles and smoochies* hey darlin *S* u r so good to me, i know we will be great friends for a very long time... thank u for putting up with my crap the times we fought *S* i am so glad we met baby more than u will ever know *kiss*

Joni - hello luv *big hugs kisses and gropes* mmmmmm baby! see i added u! u happy now? i sware the things i do for u! *L* u r a sweety, fun to talk to, not to mention FINE as hell *W* u r a good friend especially after what we been through together *cuddles* glad we r still friends *kiss*

UserFriendly(f) - hey there hun u r finally here! *warm huggers and smooches all over* u r sweet and nice and funny as hell and u can pillow fight me in green jello anytime u want! *LOL* im glad to know u! *snuggles u tight*
