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August 16'th at 2:03am, update my Jamie SwiftRunner.
I realize we said we'd never update this site again untill version 3.0 comes out, but because some joker has been leaving porn in our guest book we have taken it down. Yes, I know we could have just deleted the spam and we eventually will. But we need it for evidence to report this person. We'er very sorry, and to the person who left that entry after the porn one, we'er VERY sorry your son had to be exposed to that. We don't check our guest books daily, so this was most certainly unexpected. Don't worry, we'll try to make sure this never happens again.

July 27 at 4:12pm, update by Crazy Chameleon.
Sorry for the lack of updates. We're currently working on TSIC Version 3.0, which will offer extensive (not to mention exclusive) game info, comic reviews, images, music and more! Nothing here will be updated anymore, but the message board and Q&A are still active. If you want to be notified when TSIC reopens, enter your e-mail below.

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