I'm a winner

Dear Diary, it's me again. I haven't been able to talk to you in a while because something happened. I got invited to a slumber party! I really didn't know the new girl, but that's because she was new. She said she liked my hair and I should come to her party. So Catrina, Malinda, Sandy, Pauline, and Taffy had hotdogs and smores and had a fun time. It was kind of funny that her parents let her have a camping trip inside of the house but very fun. So it was after that that we went to sleep in the fort in the living room. All sorts of blankets were pinned together and we made a nest under them. There were great scarie stories but eventually we all fell to sleep. Later I woke up and I had to pee and I was thirsty too. Ever wonder why that happens? Well anyway I went an to the bathroom then I went to get a drink of water in the kitchen. Afterwards I went back to goto bed. The tent didn't look right. It was like someone big was standing up in the middle of the tent. So I peaked into it and there was the most scary thing I've ever seen It was big and dark. Long sharp curved spines came out of his shoulders and they were barbed. There was a bigger one from the middle. Everyone was huddled in the corner. "Its..I uhhh...mon-mon-monster..."I couldn't keep quiet. It turned and looked at me. "You'll come too." There I was standing in the tent. It said if we tattled on eachother it wouldn't take the meanest of us. And Sandy said Taffy ate her boogers when she was littler and I told them to shut up because it was mean and I told the monster it was stupid and we weren't going to help him and tried to hit him. He grabbed my hand so i kicked him and got a spine in my foot. He said girls are weak and I said we werent cause the mammas said so. And I hit him in the face with my karate. He got mad and started making my hands melt and i was really scared but I ran into him and pushed him out of the tent and Malinda said to shut the doors and I did and the clock started chiming and the monster turned to dust. My fingers were back but the prints on my right hand are smooth. The next morning nobody will admit to what happened. I hate it when things aren't fair. Monsters are stupid. I have to go to school. BYE

Can you believe I am still the odd girl out?

So then what happened?
Back to the group!
There are others?