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The FreakZone 2000


It's been a while! I know, I know, I've been slack. I'm trying, darn it. Welcome to the FreakZone. College life has made it hard to maintain this page, but I plan to keep it better than I have. Enjoy!

Last Updated September 27, 2000

Uphill Struggle...

Aitreni - A Profile
Ever wonder if there's a such thing as an Amateurfile? Questions to ponder and confuse…

Hello, former Govie here. My name is Christian Williams, and I am the sole editor of FreakZone Magazine. I am 21 years old, as of December 21, and I'm usually bored. There are things I like to do, like write, write music, harrass people, etc. I'm also a Christian (very suitable for my name). To learn more, just say "Take me to the Freak"...or just keep scrolling.

FreakZone Links
Link Updated
Writings Page
Da Music Page .
Govie Gods and Goddesses .
Questions to Ponder and Confuse .
The Links Page
My Life at Furman .
FreakZone Magazine! Temporarily
Thanks .

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