The Enemies of Godzilla Page
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The Enemies of Godzilla Page

I know this site sucked but know that I am almost done with my other page you can go there. Just click her e.
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This page shows sympathy to the so called bad guys of Godzilla. Godzilla is just a big bully. Most of the monsters were controlled by humans or aliens. They had to do what they were told to do. Imagine that you are being controlled to destroy a city and everybody was trying to kill you. I'll bet that when the monsters roar, they were saying,"HELP ME". Heck, we created The Smog Monster with our pollution.

For the monsters that weren't controlled by anyone, they were raised to be like that. it is instinct. You don't blame a dog for biting. And why does King Kong get attention just because he is a mammal. Everybody loves Kong. It just isn't fair.

Also, evidence points to the conclusion that Godzilla is a stupid gaint dinosaur. People think that Godzilla fights because he wants to save humans. Not true. He just goes after monsters because they are natural enemies. Have you noticed that Godzilla tackles monsters right into large buildings. He doesn't care about the humans that might be inside. Have you ever seen Godzilla lure monsters out of populated areas. No. Cities are just the turf for the fighting.

In conclusion, I don't hate Godzilla movies. In fact, I own every movie. I just think we are avoiding the issues. If you disagree with any of this, you can e-mail me and we will debate it.


My Favorite Links

Barry's Temple of Godzilla
The Nintendo Page
The Sci-Fi Channel Page
Anonymous E-mail
Gamepro Magazine
Nintendo 64 Page
Game Genie
