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"Well," Tethan said You wanted to find out about Battlemagic? Well here it is!
Power 1, 24"
A single strength 4 hit is likely to be overlooked, but over several rounds, it can destroy a rank bonus, and for higher level mages, it becomes quite worrysome. As with all power 1 spells, its a good way to use up your enemies dispels.

Power 1, 12"
Useful mostly for your general or higher level mages when the start taking damage. A single healed wound on your general could save you from your entire army fleeing.

Teleport Self
Power 1
Together with a nasty magic item or spell, this spell could put you into position to do some massive damage. Imagine having a zappo magic item and teleporting behind enemy troops, or perhaps the Black Gem of Gnar. With the right combinations, this spell can be a game winner.

Power 2, 24"
Against low leadership armies such as Skaven, Orc & Goblin, and to some extent Human armies, this spell has a 50% (or possibly greater) chance of routing a unit. Do you have Rat Ogres or Harpies threatening your flanks? Make them run away and suddenly it's their flank that is open.

Power 2, 24"
Just when he thinks he's got you, a curse can turn the tides in your favor. Cast this spell when enemy cavalry are about to charge you. The additional strength of their lances will be to no avail if they can't hit in the first place. Perhaps a unit of Elven archers or battery of Repeating Bolt Throwers is worring you. This will reduce the damage you are taking signifigantly.

Power 2, 18"
Another anti missile spell. This spell will reduce missile damage to a unit by 1/2 on average. This can mean the difference between losing a rank bonus and not, or needing to make a panic check.

Power 2, 12"
This spell can save you from just about any troop type. Use it on enemy units that are about to charge, and you'll get the charge. Use it to stop a unit of archer that are giving you problems. Use it on flankers to and ignore them for a turn. Cast it on a unit already in hand to hand, and you're almost insured to winning the combat! This is a very useful spell.

Power 2, 24"
Use this just before combat, or on a unit of archers. Your damage potential can as much as double in certain situations. Uses of multiple blesses are possible on the same unit which can lead to situations where automatic hits are possible!

Move Unit
Power 2, 18"
This is another potential game winner. Charging your best unit into his general can be one of the most devistating moves in the game. However, take care in that it will be his turn next. If this unit has your general in it, it may cost you the game. Don't move into situations where you are likely to get charged in the flank or rear.

Power 2, 18"
2D6 S4 wound with no armor save allowed can quickly destroy a unit of Cavalry. It is also likely to cause panic checks, so consider throwing it against low leadership units.

Power 2, 24"
This spell is a little more risky. You're just as likely to do fewer wounds against massed troops, as you are to do more. Defintely less predicitible. Against tougher targets however this is the one to have. Cast this against his high point figures and watch his eyes get big.

Hold Fast
Power 3, 24"
Cast this on the enemies wizard and suddenly you control the magic phase. Did you mis-judge that last charge? Throw this spell and you'll make it next turn. In addition to stopping the unit, it makes all your blows hit automatically. Generally this means you will do twice the damage you normally would. No need to worry about messy challenges, or black gems!

Power 3, 24"
A 4+ special save for the entire unit! No magic item in the game can offer such protection. If one existed, it would be a must have for every army. Cast this early in the game (along with other remains in play spells) and he'll be doing catch-up the entire game trying to get rid of your spells. It's obvious to throw this spell on your main unit that contains your general, but consider throwing it on a unit that is holding your flank. That unit of horse archers can suddenly become a formitable opponent with a 4+ special save!

"There you go! Battle Magic!" Tethan said "Now, you can go back to my house.
