My Book of Shadows
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My Book of Shadows

Come and read of my Book of Shadows..

Take a peek here, and then I cordially invite you to journey into the other parts of my Book of Shadows:
Rituals and Rites

Tools and Objects

Symbols and Stars
Astral Projection and other Journeys

Below are some of the prayers and rites that I...(use?) to strengthen my connection, my purity, and my faith in the Light and in the Goddess.

Rites, Poems and Invocations
These prayers and hymns were written by me, to be used by any and all who wish of them. (If you do use one of my prayers, please put ©Cosmix 1997 somwhere on your page. Thanks!) They are ordered by type, and, though there are not many, they are a pride of mine, some inspired by friends of mine.

A Prayer to the Lady
Maiden, Lady, hear my prayer.
Bring us peace in our hour of darkness...
Maiden, Lady, hear my prayer.
Mother, Lady, hear my prayer.
Bring us protection from all that is...
Mother, Lady, hear my prayer.
Crone, Lady, hear my prayer.
Bring us long life through ages eternal...
Crone, Lady, hear my prayer.

Remember to us all these things..
All that was,
All that is,
All that will be,
And whatever blessed Fate has in store.

Blessed Be
Under the eyes of the Lady and Lord, blessed be, blessed be,
May your blessings far and wide, ever be, ever be,
Now and forever, may you fly, under Her eye, under Her eye,
O'er mountain an' glittering lake, may you see, may you see,
The luck of the Maiden, Mother and Crone,
Blessed be, blessed be.

©Robin Rood, 1997. Used with permission.
