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Terran Strategy

Terran strategy

Ok, well I'm not so good as Terran, but I think I have a working strategy here, at least, I've SEEN it work :)

I haven't quite got the immediate build order, but do it like Protoss I think, and make 2 bunkers and fill with marines, easy, no? And remember 2 barracks, not 1. 2 bunkers MINIMUM, preferably 3+. Gas while making marines and bunkers. Make an academy once you have all the stuff you need building. Make some medics (1.5 or more per bunker, and round up) and stash em near bunker in case it gets fried. And always have an SCV there for repairing! And now get tanks with 1 factory, make 2 or more even if you're gonna use the goliath and tank combo. Now it is really up to you, BCs? Marines+medics+firebats? Nukes and Ghosts? It's all available to you now.

Yep, this is it, like I said, I hate Terran personally, probably cuz I stink at them, not that they stink :)

If you don't know who he is, why are you reading strategy? :)