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Welcome to our page, this is just the beginning and there will be other stuff coming on here but for the mean time there isn't much so stay tuned and keep coming back to see up grades

Okay, so as the title says this page is about poetry. Just to tell you a bit about how this page got started, here is a little story... It all started with 2 lovely, sweet, people that loved to write. They had an idea of making a list with their circle of friends, making a little group to share their poetry with one another. Now, this list was a huge success, and everyone loved it so. It was a place where they could share their poetry and deepest feelings without being mocked by anyone. Soon they realized that they had many great pieces and nothing to really do with them. So they came up with the idea of making a webpage to share their work with the rest of the world, and this, is it...

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