Cheryl's fUnkY li'l page!
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Cheryl's Page!

Hi, Welcome to my Home Page. A little about me so you know who's page you are actually looking at. :) I am 20 years old and I live in Melbourne, Australia with my family. If you wanna see what I look like, god help you.. click here. I love music, it is like a major part in my life. I don't play any music though, mostly because I simply have no talent in that area (in fact, I suck!), but I love to listen. I'm not gonna say who my favorite band is because that would be kinda dumb.. I love way too many bands and performers to single out just one.. so here's a list :) Tori Amos, KoRn, Beastie Boys, silverchair, Jeff Buckley, Coal Chamber, The Doors, Vast, Faith No More, Marilyn Manson, early Pearl Jam (new stuff is kinda.. crap.. lol), Nine Inch Nails, Luscious Jackson, Etc.

Ok, stuff I like doing...!! I love driving, not for any particular reason, I just love getting away from everything.. jumping in my car (affectionately nicknamed "the purple people eater" by all who know me (see above)) and just driving to wherever the roads take me. I love my car, despite it's flaws (and there ARE flaws!!). :) For those of you who couldnt pick it, it's a 1981 Holden Gemini. That pic above was taken at the beach near where I live..

I love seeing movies, and my favorite movie is The Crow. I also liked Natural Born Killers, Interview with the Vampire, and uhh.. that's all I can think of right now. I use IRC a bit, mainly the microsoft chat servers.. ( I hang out in #Theatre_Des_Vampires and #demon-vampyres most of the time, and I go by the nick CeNedra or sou|fire.. most people just call me cenny. Anyways, if you see me, be sure to say HI! I'll be nice to you if you're nice to me :)

Most Thursday nights I can be found at GOO! til real early Friday morning. For those of you who don't know (you poor misguided individuals), Goo is the Metro Nightclub's alternative music night.. if you haven't been to Goo and you live in Melbourne... GO!! It rules, trust me. :) I'd go every single week if I could (and I pretty much do!). Anyway, be sure to visit the goo section of the metro page, if you look really hard you might find the special web passes for discount entry. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to put them on my page, so sorry guys.. you'll have to go look for 'em :) Also, visit my IRC Channel on #goo, my nick there is g0o^gUrL...

Click the KoRn picture below to go to my KoRn page, I've been as slack with that page as I have with this one, so it's still under major construction, needs a LOT of work.. so please be kind if/when you see it :)

Take a look at my IRC Pals Page, it's mainly just greets and links to other people's pages who I have chatted to. My past nicks include bgirl, freakess, TRiCKy, Chantadeth, Su||enGirl, |nfiniteSadness, and errr.... that's all I can remember right now. My best friend, Bec, is known as nufnuf on chat, so if you see her, say 'g'day'.. she doesn't bite, unless you ask her to. Oh yeah.. please visit her homepage or else I will think of something TERRIBLY MEAN AND NASTY to do to you!!! :o) Also, I've just started making a cool people page, it's my way of showing you guys who has had an influence on my life, who my friends are and what they're like. Anyway, I can't think of much else to say at the moment so that about wraps it up. Thanks for visiting my page.

My Fave Links!

silverchair's Official Homepage
The Faust! home page - check this out, or else you'll die in a pool of your own bile :o) !
SODA Online Magazine - Articles and stuff about bands here.
Beastie Boys, Luscious Jackson, Ben Lee, DFL... They're all here at the coolest site!
Get a free homepage with Angelfire. :)
KoRn's page... I don't think this is the best KoRn page, but it's the only url I could remember. :)
Apo||yon's RealAudio Page

This page has been visited times since June 17th, 1997.
