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   We all knew this was coming. Do anything on the web to disfranchise any cult-like media figure, and expect to get some idiots all over you. But since they are idiots, their moronic ranting can be a source of cheap entertainment. Enjoy!

Oh yeah, expect fowl language and really bad grammar ahead.

   You know, I'm surprised that I haven't received any hate mail from any hardcore Areis/Aerith fans yet. Guess I'll need to give Seph some sort of SO to receive that sort of joy in my mailbox...

From:     manson_fan_named_nick

Subject:     love/hate

hello Paul,your comic was cool but not true.

1)sephiroth is dead he got killed by a puff like cloud,
2)mr.t and chun li are stupid and not smart enough to fight,
3)manson has twiggy,jon5,M.W.gacy and ginger fish would help manson,
4)manson has contacts meaning GUNS
5)manson would probably kick sephiroth because he is 3 part C.D playstation game and would have not trouble of snapping them in half
6)manson has friends like Alice Cooper and Eminem

That is my opinion good comic script :-)


And we're off with a wonderful start. Pure idiocy like this doesn't really need any smart comebacks, really. And it's intresting that he mentions Eminem, the new Vanilla Ice and Manson's rap equivent.

From:    Sky

Subject:    whatever

your really know better than Manson himself. You hate him just cause you don't agree with him. I don't agree with himeither but I'm not whining about it. And to actually go and dis his fans(some of them are completely retarded and lack originality, and follow blindly.)but not all of them are like that. I'm a fan, I like his is music, not because I hate christianity or hate god or anything like that. I respect him fordoing something not many people will do. You may say he's just follow AliceCooper, in a way he is, but he's not. They have different styles of makingtheir music. And if you can't respect that, then you don't respect musicand you take music for granted. The only people whom deserve disrespect arethe Boy bands who don't make their own music, who don't write their own songs.The are not musicians, their the one's who should be sliced in half by Seifer'sor Squall's Gun Blade. Not everyone thinks like you, not everyone is goingto agree with, so just except that. And if someone is doing something youdon't agree with let it slide unless it's directly affecting you. And I doubtMarliyn Manson knows who you are and his tring to make you life miserable.And about the Kid in the Nine Inch Nails shirt, I hope you don't mean anythingby it. NIN is truely better than Marliyn will ever be. NIN are truely goodmusicians. Even if you don't like them, you can't say Trent's not a genius.Cause that would be close minded. Dr. Dre is also a genius, even though Ihate rap.  Get the message now.
Pinhead (I'm sorry I'm not a mansonite but oh well)

Riiiiiiight... anyone got a clue to spare? I'm guessing he's what? 13? 14? "I respect him for doing  something not many people will do. " And what's that? Being a blatant media whore and engageing in everyrock n' roll cliche know to man? Look, nitwit, you got a lot to learn. ButI think that Jack on A.G said it best a few years ago with:

It's not about the music, it's not about the trendy shock/rock thing.  If
it were just the music, I'd ignore it.  But it's not.  It's about a
subculture and the people in it, people who never wanted anything to do
with Manson but weren't given a choice, suffering even worse harassment and
negative stereotyping than we get normally, so that MM can make a bid for
flavor of the week points.

This jerk, in his quest for fame and fortune, has stirred up quite a bit of
shit, and it's splashed me and a lot of other goths who didn't ask for it,
and aren't benefiting from it.

So to sum it up, yeah, I *do* feel justified in disliking MM, and for being
a bit less than pleased with his fans.  Likely, I'm not the only one.  And
likely, you'll run into quite a few goths who agree with me on this.
Better get used to it.

Oh, as for NIN, I was listening to Trent before you even HEARD of him. I don't care for him now, however. And yes, please don't mention that WB high school drama that is FFVIII around me again... mansonite.

From: David Porbeck

Subject: .............

I was looking through your website featuring Final Fantasy VII's fag-master,
Sephiroth. Nice job. You represented your self and all homo-kind very will
with you less-than-witty retorts and your hard biting comics...actually, you
are a desgrace to the homosexual community and should probably be drowned.
Unhappily, the goverment with it's "Bill of Rights" protects your right to
be incredibly ignorant and not-funny.

Anyway, good job on the
i-have-to-much-time-on-my-hands-because-i-can't-get-laid website. It
impresses the hell out of me. I mean, shit, you can spell, which is better
than me...but here's a tip: leave social commentary, celebrity bashing, and
comedy in general to those who have talent in those areas. Such is not your
strong suit. You SHOULD be making pages on the joys of ass sex, since i am
sure that you have much talent in the recieving-ass-sex catagory.

Thank-you for wasting a bit of my time,
-Guppy the Great

Okay... he accuses me of using "less-than-witty retorts," but his best tactic is to call me "fag." Wow, who needs CS when I can have the same kind of intellectual discourse in my mailbox? And with my last delay in updating the page, I don't think anyone can accuse me of having too much time on my hands...
I wonder if he used these kind of tactics in debate class, that would of made for some wonderful cheap entertainment.

From: hayley brown

Subject: <blank>

It takes a cirtain level of intelligence to understande Manson, but don't
worry, stick to what you know. By the way i'd like you to know that every
anti-manson site his fans read maked us stronger because we all want to be
different, hated by people like you and misunderstood, it just prooves the
rain of the goths is working. The more that you fear us the bigger we get.
But dont try to begin to understand us, sclub 7 are about right for u eh,
reach 4 the stars. And i hope people read this and laugh at me i'm glad to
give them a good laugh.

Hmm... real or not? If it's fake, then you're trying a bit too hard. If it's real... well, if i may borrow from True Meaning of Life:





Subject: (no subject)

Didn't Jesus say it was all right for people too hate him because he was the messiah of a lost race!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Followed up with...


Subject: (no subject)

If Jesus was the true messiah well then of couse you can't just go out and try too kill manson. I can agree with with manson Jesus does look like bs. Besides read the bible Jesus blasts everyone in somekind of way. how can you claim too be freindly when you can't love who Jesus really was about. You know as I think about it Jesus went too a Manson show and manson took him as a friend. Shoot if my friend had all the power in the world but just dies hey I'd say manson has a case!!!!!!!!! Besides what ever happened too your frist three anti-christ's or what about Judas do you battle him too!!!!!?? I bit Jesus don't!!!!!!!

Okay... from what i've been able figure out from your run-on ramble here, you have concluded that i dislike Manson because of his views on Christianity. Nope. Wrong, wrong, wrong. First off, let me state that i am an Agnostic Atheist, that is, while i can never be sure or prove if there is a metaphysical level of existence (gods, afterlife, etc.), i lean towards the conclusion that there is none. I only gave that kid that line about the "Christian Oppressors" since it's just one of the many things Mansonites say, but have no real clue of what they're talking about. They only say stuff like that because their hero does, who in turn only does it for the press and shock value.

From: Alexander Shade

Subject: Fucking Rage Mail

Listen up bitch boy, cause i'm not afraid of you or any of your fucking
friends or geeks or anything else you can shit out onto the pile. I'm sick of
all this anti-manson propagandist bullshit! You don't even know why you
fucking hate him, do you, you self absorbed dousche bag? Maybe you've
never felt a shread of pain in your perfect lifetime, or just maybe, you've
never experienced the staggering effects of a single indepent and creative
thought? You think your so fucking cool with your cut and paste cartoons
with all the thought process of a five year old right?If i ever see your
fucking face around, i'll smash your balls and make you eat shit! Just
because we're different dosn't give you a private key to an imaginery
soapbox that allows you to dis everything your not! And i found it a tweed
offensive withyour comments about Christian dictatorship. The whole
Christian life style is a fucking shame and i hope that one day it'll be a
dead fad. Between preaching thoughtless servitude and helplessly
fucking alter boys, whos getting brainwashed here? Marilyn Manson
wants to set you free, make you understand the worlds going out in a
fucking bang and nobody will be left so it dosn't matter what you think or
feel. Express yourself and live up to your own standards but don't drag
others down with you. I know you'll either erase this or edit it to make fun
of me, but I don't care. SO YOU CAN JUST GO AND SUCK THESE

Followed up with...

From: Alexander Shade

Subject: Fucking Evil Mail


I want you all too get one thing straight, this fucker who hides behind a
fucking computer screen and a fucked up semi- diluted FF7 jizzed on
picture of Vincent actually has the balls to only post up three fucking things
of hate mail- and one of which (it was well written to boot-what a fucking
bonus)was in support of his shitty fucking jag-off web site. Fuck that
wanna be Goth!!! He dosn't know the meaning of the word. And as a rule
of thumb, neither do the rest of the fuck heads you put up for that matter.
Go ahead post my email address, I don't give a fuck who sends me shit!
You may get fifty hate mails a day, but then why do you only post up the
ones that can't fucking spell? I can't either but I have a fucking point, and
yet you're not likely to post this message either? And your long awaited
web page update was mostly because your chicken ass got caught
trolling the net for homo erotric grandfather pixxx and the Feds scooped up
your 50s' Comador Elite. I'm involved in black magik too, so fuck you and
die. I hope you get cancer. mangi la merda e muoiali americano
scopante! So maybe you should save the money you spend on that self
and buy yourself a new girl or just let me cock back my twelve gauge a
blow your nugget off. Then I can go dry fuck your girlfr- wait you don't have
one cause even retarded blind chicks with balls the size of golf balls
wouldn't sleep with you. SUCK MY MOTHERFUCKING NUTS!!!!!!!!

First, it's called Thorazine, look into it. Second, i've already covered some of the points you complain about. But for those that i didn't, well let's go over them now.

All the hate mail i post is unedited in any way, shape, or form. I only omit the e-mail addresses since you poor souls have enough to deal with. Also, there is only one bit of hate mail that i did not post since the writer came off as someone who was intelligent and whom i could have a productive exchange with, which i did and resolved the issue (hello, Justin!).

These comics are harder then they look, just browse the old Mr. T comics to see people who thought they could do this, and found out they couldn't.

Manson does not care about setting anyone free or the like. He only wants you to buy his CDs. That, or there's some deeper meaning to jerking off on a security guard that i'm not seeing.

I do have a right to say what i feel about others, it's called Free Will.

Speak not to me of pain. That's all i'm going to say on that.

And finally, it's my personal belief that whenever someone resorts to throwing around homophobic remarks and insults, it's an admittance that they've lost whatever argument they were trying to make. Also, it says a lot about the speaker.

Oh, BTW, way to live up to the stereotypes put up by the right-wing dopes who protest Manson's shows. You're really helping the cause there.