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The Mists of Avalon

THE MISTS OF AVALON was written by Marion Zimmer Bradley.

With breathtaking detail and masterful storytelling, THE MISTS OF AVALON is that rare spellbinding novel in which myth comes to life and magic flows out to all of us.

Here is the magical legend of King Arthur, vividly retold through the eyes and lives of the women who wielded power from behind the throne.There is the darkly bewitching Morgaine,half sister to Arthur and a high priestess in the enchanted land of Avalon, where women rule as the creators of life and keepers of knowledge.For Morgaine, there is but one quest; to wrest Britain away from Christianity-the new religion which views women as the carriers of original sin-and to return it to the worship of the Mother Goddess. The fair and lovely Queen Gwynhefar is torn between her duty to her king and the new God, and her passion for the dashing Lancelot. Both women struggle and suffer,and both,in their own extraordinary ways, triumph.

(Text taken from front of THE MISTS OF AVALON)

This is the best telling of the story of King Arthur that I've ever heard.In books and movies of the past Arthur is always the strong, heroic king and Morgan (or Morgaine) is the evil sorceress.In The Mists, all the characters are shown as human. They all have fears, weaknesses, and flaws.There are no "good guys" or "bad guys" here.

The story begins with Morgaine(as a child),Igraine(her mother) and the Duke of Cornwall(her father). Igraine is told by her sister Viviane(the Lady of the Lake or the Lady of Avalon) and the Merlin(who is Igraine's father) that she will bear no son from her husband the Duke.But instead she will have a son with the soon to be King, Uther Pendragon. When Uther and Igraine first meet they are instantly attracted to each other and later dream that they had known each other in past lives.Igraine becomes pregnant and she and Uther are married.The son they have will grow up to be King Arthur.After attempts are made against Arthur's life he is secretly sent to close friends to be fostered. Because Morgaine (or as she is sometimes called, Morgaine of the Fairies) has been gifted with the Sight,Viviane takes her to be fostered in Avalon.Many years later when Morgaine and Arthur are young adults, King Pendragon is fatally injured in battle.So Arthur has to be initiated by the Christians and the Pagans to become High King.For the Pagans this means he must become the Horned God and run with the wild deer in the forest. Then he has to lay with a virgin priestess of Avalon. This one happens to be Morgaine.The two hadn't seen each other since they were very young children. They do not recognize each other until it is too late. From this union Morgaine conceives a son, who she sends to be raised by her sister. They keep him a secret from everyone even Arthur.

Arhtur goes on to marry Gwynhefar.Because of her fanatical Christian beliefs she ends up causing the destruction of Camelot. Of course Lancelot plays a major role. But in THE MISTS there's a big surprise about him that I wiil not give away here.

Morgaine spends her whole life fighting the takeover of Christianity and trying to save Avalon. But after everyone she loved is dead and gone and she is an old woman, Morgaine finally finds the truth and peace she has always searched for.

Related Links

The Sisterhood of Avalon~ (Beautiful and inspiring)
The Changing Role of Women in the Arthurian Legend~(Read excellent reviews of Arthurian books, including The Mists of Avalon)
Isle of Avalon~(Wonderful personal website)


Music: Far and Away by Enya