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Guidelines for posting to the
Scully Slash List

See also Story posting guidelines.

The Scullyslash Consortium has produced these guidelines to
assist you in posting discussion to the list. If you have
any concerns about it, please consider addressing the Consortium privately.

Remember that everything you post is archived automatically by
Onelist. While it is ostensibly available to list members only,
you might want to ponder Rule of Acquisition 190: hear all, trust
nothing. For information on removing posts or preventing
archiving, see their web site

Do not send attachments to the list as they are impossible for
some people's mailers to deal with. This includes images, business
cards, and text files. If you can't post without using an
attachment, please contact a Consortium member for assistance. If
you have a graphic or other file you think may interest the list,
feel free to post offering to send it privately.
Also, be aware, any attachments are also deleted from the posts when
Onelist archives and sends out the digests.

Not here. Check out the Whammy's if you want slash awards.

The Consortium is available to address specific concerns as well as
to give advice about fic, et cetera. If you have a problem or a
question, please consider contacting one of them privately.

Tamy, List Mistress, list owner/administration, website and
other things...
Hal, Cigarette Smoking Woman, : documents,
website Story Archivist
Well fed woman, Kirsten, Stuff, and general Morale
(but, no morals)

To reach all Consortium members, just drop a line at it will only go to the consortium members, not
the entire Scully Slash list.

No letter to the list may be crossposted to another list without the
original authors permission.

Send it! Privately, or publicly, brief or verbose, just send it.
If you a story says "no public discussion, please honor the author's
Request and send them comments privately

The Consortium: for list administration
List Mistress:

The List is closed to new members currently.
If you know someone who might be interested, tell them to write me at

You can subscribe from as many email addresses
as you want.
All I ask is that you let me know, for my own info.
Also, so I will approve your request.
That way I know how many people are actually on this list.
You can also set your extra addresses to Web Only reading
(i.e., you can post from them, and not get all the mail).
I can not set the web for you, however.
Go to the Onelist website for more info.

When discussing specific recent episodes or The Movie, please use
spoiler information and space. Give the name of the episode you
are spoiling, then leave several lines of spoiler space. It is
important to actually put a character, for example, * , on each
line as some mailers will truncate blank lines. "Recent" includes
the current and previous season, so at the moment, seasons 5 & 6 as
well as The Movie.

PLEASE! Post Scully Slash Stories.
See the Story Posting Guidelines for more info.

Not all stories are X rated, NC17. Some are G, PG. Some are NC17 for the
violence or languae, rather than the sex.
Read the warnings on *every* story.
Keep in mind, all stories will have some level of Female/Female sex
(depicted or spoken/ thought about) in them.
That's why they are "slash". Problem with that? Unsubscribe.

Minor Fic
There maybe Minor Fic at some point on the list.
Do to where I live, and interaction with minors, you will *not* find minor
sex on the website.

Stories can have any ratings. We have had some fantastic PG rated stories
posted, as well as some XXX rated. Not all stories have to be graphic.
Anything is welcome here, as long as it is Female, slashy, and X Files.
Not even necessarily Scully Slash. Deslea posted her Samantha/Other slash
here, as well.

Your post will be most easily readable if you restrict the line
length to 70 or less characters, use plain text (no curly quotes),
and separate paragraphs with a blank line. Nothing longer than 60K, and be
to only quote what is absolutely neccesary from the original postto
get your point across.

We have Themes that get tossed out to the list once in awhile. Some
people will call them Challenges. Basically it is an idea someone has
that they post to the list. Then, anyone and everyone can run with that
idea. Recently, we've had Halloween and Christmas Theme ideas, as well as
Elevator sex and Public Places.

This list is to discuss and post fiction about f/f XF slash,
concentrating on, but not limited to, Scully slash. Discussion
about characterization, writing, and other relevant topics is
Discussion should be kept to the topic of Scully, female slash and the
show, as opposed to Gillian Anderson and her Real Life.

Our Homepage. Http:/
The location of the Story Archive (updated by Hal) provides
an area for Members links (XF, slash and non-XF).
Links to related sites and lists. As well as a link to the dssa/overflow/novel archive.
If you want them listed, Please, send your personal URLs. To
They do *not* have to be XF related. Just be sure to mention what type of pages they are.

Special thanks to Adrian who helped with the original set up of the
website, early Guideline, computer and list help. To Hal for her ongoing
help on the consortium, as well as the archiving of the stories.
And to DanaLissa who sat on Instant messenger with me while I rewrote all this stuff.

And thanks to all you list members who have contributed over the time,
and those of you who are here to read and keep us going.

Tamy da Pooh

Revised and updated 03.05.99
List and site Owner

List and site Owner