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Care Units Visited After TBI

A web site with my experience from traumatic brain injury (TBI)! TBI affects the family, the patient, and life as they knew it to be! This is what has happened, with TBI to me!
Hope to have glossy pictures soon. And a personal account in black and green.

TBI for Me

On Febuary 8th, 1995, I was driving to the bank and then to play practice. Or so we think. Instead, I was hit in a sudden t-crash by a lady ignoring the stop sign. The collision totaled both vehicle. She was taken to the nearby hospital for a badly broken right leg. I also went to the nearby hospital, then was flown to Shock Trauma in Baltimore. My two serious injuries were a broken right wrist and a closed head injury.

There I stayed in Shock Truama for about 3.5 weeks. It was my asthma that caused my long stay. The asthma was under poor control before the accident. I had to be weaned carefully of the ventilator. Towards the end of my stay I was able to answer very simple questions and identify family members. To walk, wash, read, or speak clearly would take being retaught.

When this accident happened I was living alone, but engaged to be married. There were several heated discussions between my parents and my fiance Joy over which facility would be next. There were several hospitals to choose from next. Living in Maryland leaves you with choices from D.C., Maryland and Virgina. A rehabilitation hospital, Montebello Rehabilitation, was the final choice. It was with in the Maryland Hospital System and located in Towson, Maryland.

TBI Resources

Centre for Neuro Skills
Brain Injury Support Groups
Brain Injury Page
Natural Resource Center for TBI
The Perspectives Network

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This Brain Injury Ring site is owned by:
Scott E. M.

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