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Aloha everyone!  Thank you for stopping by my palace.  Please feel free to stay as long as you like.  I, Roeun Chan, an exchange student from Phnom Penh, currently attending the University of Hawaii at Manoa.  Before coming to the United States, I was studying in China from '93 to '95 at the Beijing University.   Now, I hope to learn the English language as much as I possibly can before returning to my homeland.  Moreover, I hope to meet new people from all over the world.  As you can see, this homepage is still under major construction. 

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Any suggestions or thoughts you might have about me or this homepage would be greatly appreciated.  This homepage was last updated on December 27, 1998 by Savouth Chea.

Please remember to before you leave.

You are my visitor number madhack.gif (7546 bytes)   since December 22, 1998.

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