{WeLcOmE tO GrAcE's LiL PaGe}

Hiyaaa u ppl out there!!!! After watching all my friends creating their own homepage....i've finally decided to get one of my own! Pretty great huh.... Anyway take your time and enjoy your visit. Remember to sign my guestbk!!! And pls pls pls pls pls DON'T leave it as private coz i lost my password!! Oh yes...one more thing....must link my page har!!!! hehe :P To all ya band gals out there, YO! Clarinet rulezzz man!!!!! PS. this homepage is still under heavy construction...look out for the bricks!!!
** siGhz....i neva have luck with guestbks.... :(**

Kewl Links....
Me & myself

View My Guestbook<---- This is my former guestbk.....da stoopid one that crashed.

View My Guestbook<----*sighz* this is my 2nd guestbk that crashed...arghz.

Leave ur trail Past trekkers Guestbook by GuestWorld

This WeLcOmE To GrAcE's LiL PaGe site is owned by
Grace Zeng.

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