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Welcome to the Scanner Information Post a website dedicated to providing not only police scanner users but also shortwave listeners, AM/FM/TV dxers, and al sorts of other aspects of radio hobby information. I hope the information on this site will make using your radios more fun and interesting. The Scanner Post is constantly updated so please come back thank you.

Dec. 29th 2002

Wow, this site has become a bigger success then I ever could of imagined. It's been about 2 years since the last update, I've been busy with so many other things, but I will spend the next couple of weeks updating, and adding info. I apologize to anyone who may have sent questions by way of email, the address is old and outdated, I have updated it so if any one wants to contact me for what ever reason please go ahead, I would love to hear from you. Once again thanks to everyone for visiting the site and check back soon there will be some updates coming.

Erik - kc8pit

Scanner Informaion Post Features

Scanner Frequencies
Radio Information
Frequency Manual
Listening To Shortwave
Travelers Information Radio
Radio Chat
Sounds of Radio

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