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Date of Birth 8th April, 1973
Address Nynex, Room # 06419
125 High St. Oliver Tower
Boston, MA 02110
Phone W (617) 743 1426
H (617) 536 9938
Educational Qualification Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering
Professional experience 3 Years as Software Engineer
Top Skill Set Employment History Professional Experience e-mail

Skill Set

Languages Java, C/C++, Javascript, Perl, HTML, shell
Operating Systems HP-UX 9.x (Unix internals), Sun Solaris 2.5, Linux
Hardware Sun Ultra-1, HP 800/700/400, IBM PC
Networking TCP/IP
Other CGI. Extensive experience in Web Technologies.

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Employment History

Apr 1997-Current Nynex, Boston./td>
Jun 1994-Feb 1997Infosys Technologies Limited, Bangalore, India
Apr 1995-Aug 1995Nortel, Ottawa, Canada(on contract with Infosys)

Professional Experience (Reverse Chronological)

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Project Name TStar
Client Nynex
Duration Mar 97 - Current
Role Designer, Developer and tester
Platform and Environment Sun Solaris 2.5, Java, Perl, CGI
Description This product has been designed and being developed solely by me. The client is a telecom company with nearly 400 routers in its network. This tool allows the user to querry various status parameters and sanity checking on the routers from web. The whole application has been writen in Java with a CGI backend written in Perl. The front end provides comprehensive analysis capabilities on the querried data as well as a vary sophisticated GUI with graphical reports (Bar charts, pie charts, tables), all from a web browser.

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Project Name Captive Office Booking
Client Nortel, Canada
Duration Apr 1996-Feb 1997
Role Project Leader
Platform and Environment HP-UX 9.0, C++, Java, TCP/IP, HTML, Javascript, Perl
Team Size 4
Description COB (Captive Office Booking) is a tool for planning and reserving the Nortel resources. It's based on client-server architecture using TCP/IP and UDP protocols for communication.

I was involved in redesigning of the tool with object oriented architecture. I also designed and and developed a web interface of the tool. This invloved extensive Java and Javascript programming as well as CGI programming in Perl.

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Project Name Automated Testing Environment
Client Nortel, Canada
Duration Sept. 1994-Apr1996
Role Developer (Sept. 1994-Aug 1995)

Module Leader (Aug1995-Apr 1996)

Platform and Environment HP-UX 9.0, C++/C, Orbix
Team Size 6
DescriptionTEAM-ATE (Test Execution, Administration and Management, Automated Testing Environment) is a workstation based testing environment. It supports it's own propriety language `T'. It allows the test engineers to remotely access and test telephone switches. My role in this project was to design, develop and test the addition of new features as well as bug fixing for the module owned by me. I developed and tested an independent module in C++. It invloved of Unix Internals and IPC mechanisms.

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