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Wellcome to Salsa in nottingham

Salsa! The music of the heart is a mixture of Rhythms from the Caribbean with African and Latin influence. Salsa emerged in the 1960's in New York, arising mainly from Son but also from Montuno, Guaguanco and Guaracha, blended with Puerto Rican Plena and Bomba and North American jazz, to produce its distinctive sound. In the sixties New York received a large influx of Caribbean immigrants, mainly Cubans and Puerto Ricans. Longing for their Caribbean roots, They continued to make Afro-Cuban music but somehow adapted it to the metropolitan Life-style. At first confined to the audience of the Latin American community, Salsa grew in stature gaining full acceptance after the release of Jerry Masucci's film Salsa (1973) which featured a Fania All-Stars concert in New York. Later it became a ballroom dance even thought the authentic salsa is a very spontaneous and intricate music; the dancing is too spicy and lively for monotonous formal routines. It can be quite slow, or very fast, and the rhythm can change within the same song. During the seventies, thanks to many outstanding performers, Salsa music spread his growth to the entire world, becoming extremely popular amongst every kind of people. Nowadays, there are clubs and musicians playing Salsa music all over the World in any major City. Here in nottingham Salsa music is becoming a big hit.

The salsa programme in nottingham     

Dance classes Information

The Six Levels of Salsa Dancing

salsa sites in the UK

The El Barrio Latino News Letter by Hermel Gallardo (NEW)