My Home Page

E-mail me at rsomcher@htomail.comFeel free to send me an E-mail. You can send it to Welcome to my Homepage! My Name is Ryan Somcher and I live in Two Hills Alberta. its a small town nothing much to do here so I spend a lot of time coming on to the Internet and chatting to friends and working on my page! You might not see the new pages because I usually dont put them up for public veiwing right away but trust me they are there! Anyways look at the South Parkk page because that is the one that I am working on for now! Its up there, and I have a nice new background on it, but bewarem it will take a lot longer to load with that on! Again, let me know what you think and if you have somehting nice to add to it please feel free to E-mail me! see you around! Have fun! Welcome to my little spot on the World Wide Web

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My South Park Page
Kill Some Time Here
Kill Some MORE Time Here

Email: rsomcher@hotmail.comcom