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Spristow Family

1. John Spristow
Birth: about 1423
Wife: Johane

2. Margaret Spristow
Birth: abt. 1460
Death: bef. 1510 Alhallowen, Northampton England
Husband: Richard CRISPE

2. Margaret Spristow and Richard Crispe's children:

i. Thomas Crispe
Birth: abt. 1494 Broughton, Oxfordshire, England

ii. Richard Crispe
Birth: Northampton, England

iii. Joanne Crispe
Birth: abt. 1510 Boughton, Northampton England

iv. Hugh Crispe
Birth: Northampton, England

v. Rosse Crispe
Birth: Northampton, England

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