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Graph2D Bean


Graph2D is a very useful and easy to use Java Bean for displaying curves in 2D.

It is most suitable for the engineering applications or the business applications that intend to display information in graphical form.

Most of the general properties like background and foreground color, size and placement are configured through property editor or corresponding methods for java.awt.Canvas.

Apart from displaying the curve and the scaled grid, this bean is capable of performing advanced graphical operations like zooming in, zooming out and panning.

The most attractive feature is the re-scaling of the grid on the basis of display area after a zoom operation is performed.

 Multiple curves can be added to the Graph2D bean using a very simple method.

Here are the few glimpses of Graph2D in the real world applications..

application.gif (35724 bytes)


app2.gif (8237 bytes)


Being a Java bean, Graph2D can be added to any available IDE like Symantec Visual Cafe, Borland Jbuilder, Beanbox ...etc . This component will appear on the component palette of the IDE. Developer can then add a Graph2D component to any container by simple drag n' drop operation.

For a    Free     copy of Graph2D alongwith documentation and User's Manual, please send an email to