Lightning From Heaven

I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God

Lighting from Heaven is to become the web-zine (and print zine) for an exploration into what is traditionally (and often pejoratively) called "Christian Satanism" or "Devil Worship." LFH comes to Satanism from a biblical perspective, that is, interpreting god and Satan through the Bible.

This is not an attempt to be representative of Satanism as a whole nor "Christian Satanism" in particular. It is our own exploration into satanism.

This path draws primarily from Catholic religious tradition and interpretations of the Bible. It is not a variant of the various "New Age" or New Age-influenced occult practices. It is not a strand of Atheistic, Modern or LaVeyan Satanism, which do not draw from the Bible as the main source of theology. Neither is it a strand of Theistic or Traditional Satanism, which believe in Satan as a being but tend to: We hope to delineate ourselves from both Modern and Theistic Satanism. LFH is not especially interested in claiming a label for our ideas and will not engage in petty debates over what it means to "be a real satanist." LFH is not especially impressed with the state of the so-called "elite" satanic movement today, and we our intent is not to provokes other satanists onto the defensive or offensive. We don't care what other satanists are doing. We find value in our project, a project we define as a satanic one, and that is the largest extent to which we may be considered a part of the satanic movement of today.

If you have something interesting or valuable to contribute, we would like to publish it. However, LFH is a closed coven and we are not looking for members, recruits or converts.

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