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Mama's Boy
I'm Not Afraid Of Life
Too Tough To Die
Wart Hog
Danger Zone
Chasing The Night
Howling At The Moon(Sha-La-la)
Daytime Dilemma (Dangers Of Love)
Planet Earth 1988
Endless Vacation
No Go


couldn't keep a secret
got a concrete skull
couldn't shut up you're an imbecile
you're an ugly dog there's 
nothing to gain
you couldn't shut up got a 
bad bad brain

couldn't hold your tongue
You were just too young
like a two year you told
you told
you are all the same jelly
bean brain
every one's a secret nerd
every one's a closet lame

ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-mama's boy

don't want to work in a hot dog stand
be a busboy messenger or a doorman
it's an abstract world you're an
abstract man
abstract city don't give a damn


I am not afraid of life
of the poor man's struggle
of the killer's knife
I am not afraid of life
of an insane rage
of the minimum wage
I am not afraid of life

I am not afraid of life
I am not afraid of life

But I see an old lady with a shopping bag
and I wonder is life a drag

I am not afraid of pain
but it hurts so bad
I feel so mad
no one see the truth
there's nothing to gain
a life goes down the drain
don't want to die at an early age

I am not afraid of life
I am not afraid of life

But I see a street crazy shivering with cold
is it a crime to be old

there's the threat of the nuclear bomb
we know it's wrong
we know it's wrong
is there a chance for peace
will the fighting ever cease
mankind's almost out of luck
a maniac could blow us up

I am not afraid of life
I am not afraid of life

but I get down on my knees and I pray
is there hope for the world today


I am a tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tough tough guy
I tell no tales I do no lie

I am a tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tough tough guy
halo round my head to tough to die

main attraction in a freak side show
down in the basement where the cobwebs grow
on my last leg just gettin' by
halo round my head too tough to die

rainy days rain cool wine
I'll sratch your back if you scratch mine
hot sweat on my face
I feel like goin' out someplace

up late at night my chocolate sweet
down at the gym where the muscle boys meet
I am a very nice guy very sincere
in real good shape I have no fear

at the concert when the band comes on
I am in the ring where I belong
on my last leg just gettin' by
halo round my head too tough to die


New York City is a real cool town
society really brings me down
our playground is a pharmacy
kids find trouble so easily

other countries are just as bad
the Soviets really make me mad
on the boulevard where police hide
let's steal a car for a joyride

they say you're just an awkward kid
you flipped your lid you flipped your lid
you love rage spread like a rash

you flipped your lid you flipped your lid
you flipped your lid you flipped your lid
they say you're just an awkward kid
you flipped your lid you flipped your lid

all alone in the danger zone
danger zone danger zone
all alone in the danger zone
danger zone danger zone


Standing here in front of the mirror
It's gonna be alright tonight
Feelin' hot yeah I'm on fire
I'm never ever goin' to tire

Tonight it's gonna be alright
Chasing the night
It's gonna be alright
Chasing the night
Chasing, Chasing the night
It's gonna be alright

Live my life as I choose
I pais the price, Paid my dues
You know I need no alibi
Daytime troubles fading
Nights intoxicating
Gonna have it all tonight
That ain't no lie

Tonight it's gonna be alright
Chasing the night
It's gonna be alright
Chasing the night
Chasing, Chasing the night
It's gonna be alright

Rock all night
Sleep all day
It don't matter what they say
Ain't never gonna change my ways
And I won't be back till monday

Feelin' exasperating
Excitement generating
I'm never ever gonna tire
City is overloading
The circuits are exploding
Ain't comin' down, No! 
I'm too tired.........



ships are docking
planes are landing
a never ending supply

no more narco
no more gangster
conservatives can cry

I took the law and threw it away
cause there's nothing wrong
it's just for play
there's no law, no law anymore
I want to steal from the rich
and give it to the poor


it was glowing, glowing, glowing
glowing in the dark
it was sparkling, sparkling, sparkling
sparkling in the night
I took the law and threw it away
cause there's nothing wrong
it's just for play

there's no law, no law anymore
I want to steal from the rich
and give it to the poor

winter turns to summer
sadness turns to fun
keep the faith, baby
you broke the rules and won


keep it glowing, glowing, glowing
I'm not hurting anyone
keep it glowing, smoking, glowing
I'm howling at the moon
I took the law and threw it away
cause there's just nothing wrong
it's just for play
there's no law, no law anymore
I want to steal from the rich
and give it to the poor

Oh baby (4x)

I took the law and threw it away
cause there's just nothing wrong
it's just for play

I'm smoking, baby
I'm smoking, oh baby

there's no law, no law anymore
I want to steal from the rich
and give it to the poor



She came from a happy home
a very happy home
a very happy home

miss personality, a grade 'A' student naturally

she had it all worked out
but things aren't what they seem
is this real or just a dream?
and things will never ever be the same again

she came from happy home
a very happy home
a home of happiness

miss personality, a grade 'A' student naturally
she had it all in place
but things aren't what they seem
is this real or just a dream?
things will never ever be the same again

the dangers, it's the dangers of love
the dangers, it's the dangers

she came from a happy home
a very happy home
a very happy scene

she caught him with another
it turns out it was her mother
what a tragedy
can things be what they seem
is this just some crazy dream?
things may never be the same again

the dangers, it's the dangers of love
the dangers, it's the dangers

keep telling lies
but you did
you know you did
it's's's coming

the dangers, it's the dangers of love
the dangers, it's the dangers

what went wrong she couldn't tell
but we know it all too well

the dangers, it's the dangers of love
the dangers, it's the dangers


the solution to peace isn't clear
the terrorist threat is a modern fear
there are no jobs for the young
they turn to crime turn to drugs
battle ships crowd the sea 
16 year olds in the army
discrimination against the Blacks

Planet earth 1988
it's too late

Russian and American war machine
will destroy mankind's dream
they shoot their missles in the air
they do not care they do not care
guerilla armies rule the street
no more Christmas or trick or treat
is this what the future will bring
I pray for peace more than anything

the solution to peace isn't clear
the terrorist threat is a modern fear
there is no future for the youth
there is no hope for the young
death destruction bombs galore
the rich are laughing at the poor
our jails are filled to the max
discrimination against the Blacks


Humankind, it's not fair, why should we all live in fear
Humankind, it's a test, to see who's the very best
Humankind, don't know why, no one cares who lives or dies
Humankind, don't look at me, look at yourself, what do you see

People, always tellin' lies, they can keep their alibi
People, knockin' at my door, how come they want more and more
People, talkin' behind your back, most of them drive a Cadillac
People, staring at your clothes-I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE

Humankind, it's a shame, some don't even know their name
Humankind, are so strange, some need to be rearranged
Humankind, don't know why, no one cares who lives or dies
Humankind, don't look at me, look at yourself, what do you see

People, always tellin' lies, they can keep their alibi
People, knockin' at my door, how come they want more and more
People, talkin' behind your back, most of them drive a Cadillac
People, staring at your clothes-I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE

Tell me, tell me, who's to blame, for people acting this way
Tell me, tell me, what's so wrong, if humans just get along
Tell me, tell me, tell me please, if psychiatric help is what we need

People, always tellin' lies, they can keep their alibi
People, knockin' at my door, how come they want more and more
People, talkin' behind your back, most of them drive a Cadillac
People, staring at your clothes-I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE


I kill myself 
a suicide death a suicide game
my skull he's bleaching in the dust
my rage turns to insane lust

all depressed all alone
I drift into the danger zone
deadly spitten cobra life of crime
I want revenge I want what's mine

like takin' Carrie to the high school prom
something's always goin' wrong
hair trigger temper tormented mind
deadly spitten sobra I am the losin' kind 

the heart is the place devils congregate
when you raised on andiet of bickering at hate
hair trigger temper tormented mind
deadly spitten cobra I am the losin' kind


I got a call late Saturday night alright
yeah I got a call Saturday night alright
beat, dead, burnt out from the night before
I wanted to go but couldn't take it no more

beat, dead, burnt out you know what I mean
my brain was racin' but my feet wouldn't scream

Let' go Let's go

my brain was racin' but my feet wouldn't go

let's fly let's fly
yeah you and I
Oh my my my

my brain was racin' but my feet wouldn't fly
