<i>My Cats</i>
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My Cats

....Pepper AKA "P,LMNOP" AKA "P" AKA "Peepaw" (gray tabby) Pepper likes to drink milk! He and George DO NOT get along!!

....Tammy AKA "Butterball" AKA "Tamperbear" (tortoiseshell siamese)

....Lilly AKA "Little Black Stick" AKA "Woman" (very small black cat) She's very special. She was on our doorstep on Easter Day 1995. She had a broken pelvis and I had to nurse her back to health. She's so sweet and she's a very talkative cat!

....Tang AKA "Spot Eye" AKA "Tanglee" (dark gray burmese) Tang is my puppy dog. She follows me EVERYWHERE! And she will not play with the other cats. She's a loner. (Guess that's why she follows me everywhere!) Tang hates Lilly's enthusiasm for life!

....George AKA "George Edward MooCow" AKA "Georgeamus Catamus" (black and white "holstein" mogey cat) George loves any kind of meat! And he likes Pepper. Pepper just doesn't like him! George just sends the wrong message I guess!

....Thomas AKA "Thomas the Tank Engine" AKA "Orange Roughy" (orange tabby)

....Missy AKA "Missy Jimmy" AKA "Miss looks-like-a-goat" (brown tabby with wide sides)

Many times people enter these home pages not really knowing what in the world to expect!
And mine is no different. I believe that the events in a persons life are what make them,
and below are some of the sadder ones, but they are a part of everyone's life.
I hope you will choose to read my memories!

It was not a hard decision to include memories of cherished loved ones and kitties in this site because they are very special to me! They are very missed, but I know I will be with them again one day...the cats I don't really know if I'll see them again...not really sure how that works with animals in heaven!

My mom from Florida (God loves ya!)

Mom died at age 53 on January 5, 1994 of matastatic lung cancer. She was a collector of owls!

I never thought I would say this in my wildest dreams but thank GOD for the Emergency Leave Act! I decided to help my dad take care of her for one month because he really needed the help and I wanted to spend time with her! So off I went to Florida .... away from my husband the whole time.

Funny thing is she stayed alive to endure Christmas of 1993. That and finishing a cross-stitch project for a friend were her two goals. SHE DID THEM BOTH I'm happy to say! The other strange thing is when my husband did come down to visit me, the day he had to leave to come back to South Carolina, at 10:00 a.m. she died while I was feeding her and my husband had just left a couple of hours earlier. I sort of wonder if she waited for him to leave. Oh well...those are memories of the past and I'm just sharing some things I have been through in life. *smile*

I have to admit that the death of my mother caused me to become very depressed! I was "extremely" close to her and just couldn't fathom life without her. It took me some time to figure out that Jesus was the answer to my problem. I was forced to go to church as a child. And for many years I was rather resentful since my parents never went with me, my brother and sister. Now I've come to know the Lord the way I have needed to for so long, and I feel so much better for it! He really has brought joy into my life and a peace I didn't know before.

Jesus is a part of me and I will never let go! Jesus Rules!

My maternal grandparents from Florida (God loves ya!)

My mom's parents adopted her when she was 2 months old! My grandparents were very special people! They never said a bad word about anyone. Grandma was my sole insipiration in life. I always wanted to be just like her! And she could give a hug that made you feel loved like nobody's business! I miss her a great deal! My grandma died on the way to the hospital one day in January of 1996. She was having breathing problems and went to see the doctor. The doctor told her "family" to take her to the hospital and she died on the way there. Such a waste! They should have called an ambulance. Guess they were afraid that would take longer! *such a pity* And My grandfather had matastatic lung cancer. He died in March 1997.

My Great Aunt and Uncle from Florida (God loves ya!)

If it weren't for these two, we wouldn't have Tang!!! They were nice people! After they passed away no one wanted their cat Tang, so we adopted her! *smile*

My Father-in-law from South Carolina (God loves ya!)

He died at age 53 in July of 1993 of Cirrhosis of the Liver. He was a good man! As you can see we had some sad times, my mom and my hubby's dad died only five months apart. It made our relationship stronger that's all I can say about that experience! *smile*

....Maggie AKA "Mary Margaret" AKA "Sweet Baby Maggie" (calico) The funniest cat!! She would dance on a paper, plastic or styrofoam bowl if you placed it behind her back feet. It was so funny!!

....Jimmy AKA "Mrrrrrr" AKA "Jimmidee Bobbidee Boo" (brown tabby) Miss Jimmy's namesake. Jimmy liked to eat pizza and when you held him by the tail he did a little breakdance! hee hee

....Tom (orange tabby) Thomas' namesake. Old Tom was a very quiet cat, never really liked to be petted much.

....Becky AKA "Squeaky" (black cat) She was just a friendly linky black cat.

Thank you very much for reading the above sadder memories that I have. I will do my absolute best to include other lighter-hearted things of interest in this page as well! *smile* Listing the above is part of the growing process for me. I hope no one minds. If you do then leave! Just kidding. To be honest, it's not easy losing animals or people that you cherish and love so much. If you ever need to talk to someone about a death or just need a shoulder to lean on....I'm right here! *smiles* I am a good listener!

I'd love to hear from you!