Circulation and Blood


The circulatory system consists of the heart, blood, and the blood vessels. Its role is to transport nutrients, hormones, gases, and waste products throughout the body. Reading is mostly in Chapter 13: Cardiovascular System


Blood Vessels (pp. 240)


There are five types of blood vessels within the circulatory system: the arteries, arterioles, capillaries, veins, and venules.


1. State the function of each of the following blood vessels:


a. arteries



b. veins



c. capillaries




2. Explain how structure is related to function in the following blood vessels:


a. arteries



b. veins



c. capillaries




3. Some veins have valves. Explain the function of these valves.





4. Be able to identify a cross-section of the blood vessels as seen in Fig. 13.1 on p. 240.


5. Be able to identify the following vessels on a diagram. Vessels may be identified on fig. 13.8 p. 247 and fig.13.7 p. 246. (Note: the term superior vena cava is sometimes used in replace of anterior vena cava and inferior vena cava used instead of posterior vena cava.


a. jugular vein


b. subclavian artery


c. subclavian vein


d. carotid artery


e. anterior vena cava


f. posterior vena cava


g. hepatic vein


h. hepatic portal vein


i. renal artery


j. renal vein


k. iliac artery


l. iliac vein


m. pulmonary vein


n. pulmonary artery


o. aorta


p. mesenteric arteries


q. coronary artery


r. coronary vein







1. The blood vascular system is divided up into two main systems, the pulmonary system and the systemic system. Distinguish between these two systems.


pulmonary system



systemic system




2. What is a portal system?




3. Name the most important artery found in the body.




4. In a list format, trace the path of a blood cell from the left ventricle through the mesenteric arteries and back to the left ventricle.







Fetal Circulation


One of your objectives is to be able to explain the differences between fetal and adult blood circulation. The ductus venosus, ductus arteriosus,foramen ovale, umbilical arteries and umbilical vein are present in the fetal but not adult circulation. A fetus gets its oxygen not from the lungs, but from the placenta. Carbon dioxide is also removed by the placenta. The lungs are collapsed at this time and therefore offer considerable resistance to blood flow. The following questions are designed to introduce you to these differences. Use the text pp. 452 for reference.


1. What follows is a list of structures found in fetal circulation. Answer the questions that follow each structure.




Ductus Venosus

a. the function of the ductus venosus


b. direction of blood flow


c. What vessel does the ductus venosus lead to?


d. Is the blood in the ductus venosus high or low in oxygen?



Ductus Arteriosus

a. direction of flow in this vessel


b. Is the blood oxygen level high or low?



Foramen Ovale

a. What is its function?



Umbilical Arteries

a. direction of blood flow


b. type of blood carried



Umbilical Vein

a. direction of blood flow


b type of blood carried



2. Trace the pathway of blood high in oxygen from the mother to the fetus. Start with the umbilical vein and complete the circuit ending with the umbilical arteries. List all the vessels and structures that are met along the way.




3. After the fetus is born, there are certain fetal changes that occur. How do the following structures change immediately prior to and after the fetus is born?


a. foremen ovale


b. ductus venosus


c. ductus arteriosus


d. umbilical vein and arteries


e. flow of blood through the fetal heart



Lymphatic System ( pp. 261)


1 List the main functions of the lymphatic system.


2. Describe the function of the following parts of the lymphatic system:


a. lymph capillaries


b. lymph veins


c. lacteals


d. lymph nodes


e. valves



3. The lymphatic system is often described as a "one-way system". Explain why.




4. Trace the pathway of lymph fluid from the lacteals in the small intestine through the lymphatic system to the left subclavian veins and name the vessels involved.



5. The fluid found in the lymph system is called Iymph. What is its composition?



6. What is the source of lymph?



7. Describe the location of lymph nodes and state their function.



8. What type of tissue is found in lymph nodes?

9. What are Iymphocytes?



10. What is the function of lymphocytes?



11. Name some organs that contain lymphoid tissue.



12. Describe how the inflammatory response (pg. 265) occurs. Use the following headings as your guide:  a. how bacteria or viruses affect cells b. basophil response to bacteria c. blood vessel reaction to histamine d. capillary reaction to histamine e. how neutrophils and monocytes enter the inflamed area f. how neutrophil deals with the foreign bacteria or virus g. macrophages' role


Blood Components


1. What percent of the blood is:)

a. plasma


b. blood cells



2. List seven components of blood plasma.



3. Fill-in the following chart on blood cells.


Blood Cell












Presence of a nucleus




Life span










4. Explain the role of antigens and antibodies



Transport of Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide


The blood plays a very important role in the transport of CO2 from tissues to the lungs and 02 from the lungs to the tissue.


1. Explain why red blood cells carry more oxygen than the plasma.



2. Which mineral forms a part of the hemoglobin molecule?



3. What is the role of hemoglobin in red blood cells?



4. Below is an equation illustrating the transportation of oxygen by hemoglobin in the red blood cell.


Hb + O2        -------->           HbO2



a. What is the difference between Hb and HbO2?



5. Where in the circulatory system and under which conditions would you expect the following to occur?


a. Hb to take on oxygen



b. HbO2 to give up its oxygen




6. Hemoglobin exists as reduced hemoglobin and oxyhemoglobin. Where in the circulatory system would you expect to find:


a. oxyhemoglobin (HbO2)



b. reduced hemoglobin (Hb)




7. Explain how the blood transports and exchanges:


a. oxygen


b. carbon dioxide



Capillary-tissue fluid exchange


1. At which end of a capillary is blood pressure higher than osmotic pressure of blood?



2. Why do water, oxygen, amino acids and glucose tend to leave the bloodstream at the end arteriole end of the capillary?



3. Why does carbon dioxide tend to move into blood at the venous end of the capillary?




Blood Clotting


When a blood vessel is cut, blood begins the healing process by doffing. The following questions will focus in on this process.


1. Describe the series of events that occur to bring about blood clotting.

2. Explain with reasons how the following will affect blood clotting:


a. lack of vitamin K


b. lack of Ca++














Sample Exam Questions


1. Outline the main points you would use to discuss how the blood transports:


a. oxgyen


b. carbon dioxide



2. Describe how the body reacts to an inflammation response.



3. Why is carbon monoxide a poisonous gas?



4. How does the shape of a red blood cell (erythrocyte) increase its efficiency in transporting oxygen?



5. Compare and contrast fetal and adult circulation.



6. Describe capillary-tissue fluid exchange.