Biological Molecules Self Test                    Name:


1. Which atoms are always found in organic molecules?

A. carbon and hydrogen                      B. carbon and oxygen  C. carbon and nitrogen

D. oxygen and nitrogen                       E. oxygen and hydrogen


2. Which of the following is NOT an organic molecule?

A. glucose        B. lipid             C. protein         D. water           E. DNA


3. Which of the following statements is NOT correct about organic molecules?

A. Organic molecules are often associated with living organisms.

B. Organic molecules always have ionic bonding between atoms.

C. Organic molecules always contain carbon and hydrogen.

D. Organic molecules may be quite large, with many atoms.


4. ______ is the process of splitting of a bond within a larger molecule by the addition of water.

A. Emulsification         B. Ionization    C. Dissociation D. Dehydration synthesis

E. Hydrolysis


5. Carbohydrates are macromolecules composed of ______ monomers.

A. amino acid  B. monosaccharide       C. glycerol and fatty acid         D. nucleotide


6. The process in which water is removed when two monomers join to form a macromolecule is

A. Emulsification         B. Ionization    C. Dissociation D. Dehydration synthesis

E. Hydrolysis


7. True or False. When a dipeptide, disaccharide, and a lipid molecule is formed, one water molecule will be released during the dehydration synthesis reaction of each.


8. True or False. Glucose, fructose, and galactose are all monosaccharides with the same molecular formula C6H12O6.


9. True or False. Glucose is the primary energy source of the body.


10. Which type of organic macromolecule is used primarily for energy and structure?

A. proteins       B. carbohydrates          C. lipids        D. nucleic acids   E. NaCl


12. True or False. Pentoses are sugars that have six carbon atoms.


13. True or False. Glycogen is the storage form of glucose in plants.


14. True or False. Maltose is a disaccharide composed of glucose and fructose.


15. Which type of organic molecule has the ratio of hydrogen atoms to oxygen atoms of approximately 2:1?

A. carbohydrates          B. lipids           C. proteins       D. nucleic acids                 E. cholesterol


16. Glucose, fructose, and galactose are all classified as ______.

A. fatty acids    B. amino acids C. polysaccharides       D. disaccharides          

E. monosaccharides

17. Which of the following molecules is not a polysaccharide?

A. starch          B. glycogen     C. sucrose        D. cellulose


18. Which type of carbohydrate is found in plant cell walls and accounts in part for the strong nature of these walls?

A. glycogen     B. starch           C. cellulose      D. galactose     E. ribose


19. Glycerol and fatty acid are the monomers for the macromolecule ______.

A. protein        B. carbohydrate                  C. lipid      D. nucleic acid   E. steroid


20. ______ occurs when an oil droplet is dispersed in water.

A. Ionization    B. Saturation    C. Emulsification         D. Dissociation     E. Oxidation


21. A saturated fatty acid contains more ______ atoms than the same unsaturated fatty acid.

A. carbon         B. oxygen        C. nitrogen       D. phosphorus E. hydrogen


22. When glycerol combines with three fatty acids, a (an) ______ molecule results.

A. steroid         B. phospholipid                C. monoglyceride   D. neutral fat    E. tripeptide


23. ______ are lipids containing phosphorus that are very important in cell  membranes.

A. Glycerol      B. Fatty acids   C. Triglycerides           D. Steroids       E. Phospholipids


24. True or False. Fats do not mix with water because fats are polar molecules.


25. Which type of organic macromolecule represents a stored energy source and yet is found within membranes?

A. proteins       B. carbohydrates          C. lipids           D. nucleic acids                        E. water


26. True or False. The polar portion of the phospholipid molecule (head) is

soluble in water, whereas the two hydrocarbon chains (tails) are not.


27. A (An) ______ has a hydrocarbon chain (a string of carbon atoms with

hydrogen atoms attached) and ends with the acid group -COOH.

A. amino acid  B. fatty acid     C. steroid         D. phospholipid                E. monosaccharide


28. True or False. At room temperature, fats are liquids and oils are



29. True or False. Water, being a nonpolar molecule, acts as a solvent.


30. Which type of organic molecule is used for long-term energy storage, insulation against heat loss, and forms a protective cushion around major organs?

A. carbohydrates          B. proteins       C. lipids           D. nucleic acids                        E. salts


31. Which type of lipid has four fused carbon rings?

A. cholesterol   B. triglyceride  C. phospholipid           D. DNA           E. maltose


32. Which of the following molecules is not a steroid?

A. cholesterol   B. aldosterone  C. testosterone  D. estrogen      E. phospholipid



33. Proteins are polymers of ______.

A. amino acids     B. nucleotides          C. glycerol and fatty acid         D. monosaccharides    

E. disaccharides


34. The bond that occurs between the acid group of one amino acid and the

amino group of another amino acid is termed a (an) ______ bond.

A. hydrogen    B. weak            C. peptide        D. ionic                        E. covalent


35. A ______ is a string of 100-1000 amino acids joined by peptide bonds.

A. dipeptide     B. tripeptide     C. polypeptide D. protein        E. nucleotide


36. True or False. Oxygen and hydrogen atoms associated with a peptide bond share electrons in such a way that the oxygen carries a partial positive charge and the hydrogen carries a partial negative charge.


37. Which of the following types of organic molecules have their monomers

joined by a peptide bond?

A. proteins       B. lipids           C. carbohydrates          D. nucleic acids                  E. salts


38. Which type of organic molecule has sometimes a structural role and may act as enzymes?

A. proteins       B. lipids           C. carbohydrates          D. DNA


39. True or False. When proteins are exposed to extreme pH, they can undergo a reversible change in shape.


40. True or False. When a strong acid is added to milk, the milk curdles. This is an example of protein denaturation.


41. What is the final three-dimensional shape of a protein called?

A. quaternary structure B. tertiary structure      C. secondary structure  D. primary structure

E. molecular structure


42. The _______ structure of a protein is the linear sequence of the amino acids joined by peptide bonds.

A. quaternary   B. tertiary         C. secondary    D. primary       E. molecular


43. True or False. Hemoglobin is a complex protein having a quaternary



44. True or False. All amino acids are the same except for their R group.


45. What is the name of this functional group: COOH ?

A. amino group             B. carboxyl group        C. hydrogen bond     D. peptide bond                 E. saturated group


46. The ______ structure of a protein comes about when the polypeptide chain takes a particular orientation in space.

A. quaternary   B. tertiary         C. primary       D. secondary





47. What are the components of a  nucleotide?

A. glucose, cholesterol, triglyceride      B. amino acid, fatty acid, phosphate

C. phosphate, glucose, fatty acid                       D. phosphate, hexose sugar, organic base

E. phosphate, pentose sugar, organic base


48. When nucleotide monomers join together, the ______ polymer is formed.

A. protein

B. carbohydrate

C. lipid

D. nucleic acid

E. cholesterol


49. The backbone of a nucleic acid is composed of ______.

A. the nitrogen bases

B. sugar-phosphate-sugar-phosphate, etc.

C. sugar-phosphate-base-sugar-phosphate-base, etc.

D. sugar-base-sugar-base, etc.


50. ______ molecules are characterized by having two strands of nucleotide polymers held together by hydrogen bonds.

A. Dipeptide

B. Disaccharide




51. Which molecule functions as an energy carrier in cells?



C. glucose

D. fatty acid


52. Which type of  macromolecule is used for reproduction and to control protein synthesis?

A. proteins

B. carbohydrates

C. lipids

D. nucleic acids


53. Which pair below is mismatched?

A. amino acid-protein

B. glycerol-glycogen

C. glucose-starch

D. phosphoric acid-nucleotide